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Fly Tying

Match the Hatch

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Hi gang!


I haven't posted here in a while, but I shared something recently that I thought y'all might get more use from. I like to try and imitate the naturals when it comes to minnows as much as with bugs, and though my preserved specimens are a great resource, I've found these sites to be really helpful and just downright fun!


This one is the Virtual Aquarium of Virginia Tech, with an amazing number of fish photos. This link is directly to that oh-so-valuable of shiners, the Emerald, but the page contains links to many more; http://www.web1.cnre.vt.edu/efish/families/emerald.html


Here is the PA commission page (my home state) featuring a listing of fish species along with drawings. Photos would be more helpful, but knowing what lives in the water is a big help to knowing what to tie at the bench; http://fishandboat.com/pafish/fishhtms/chapindx.htm


One big revelation to me that I hadn't considered despite years of bait fishing with Creek Chubs and Common Shiners, is that you can imitate both with the same streamer. Also, there is an Orange phase of the Black Nose Dace!

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WOW a true blast from the past glad to see your still kicking around bro


Glad to be here brother, and thanks for the welcome back! I hope to be a bit more involved. 8-)

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Mark you have spent way to much time away you better join a swap or host one I think you just need a good dose of fly overload


Lol, I like the way you think! Plus I have my usual bucket full of flies to get rid of at the end of the year, a result of tying far more than I fish.

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