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Fly Tying

Preparing for toothies

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I decided since I didn't have enough addictions to deal with, I'd throw fly fishing for muskies in there, too. I have done a lot of research on some possible locations here in Ohio, plan to recon two of them tomorrow, and started tying some big gnarly patterns. Here's some of what I have made up to this point. Most of these are tied on 4/0 Trokar hooks, Mustad 3/0 tarpon hooks, and 6/0 Gamakatsu SL12's. Size ranges from about 5" up to 12" in total length.



















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Ahh Musky!! My local fish! Do you plan on fishing these on sinking line?? Lakes or rivers?

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Those are some nice looking flies but I bet you ain't casting them with a 5wt. Never hunted muskie nor do I ever plan to but it they won't eat those they have the stomach flu.

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Those are some nice looking flies but I bet you ain't casting them with a 5wt. Never hunted muskie nor do I ever plan to but it they won't eat those they have the stomach flu.


There will be no 5wt involved...9wt and 10wt. ;)


Mostly I am going to focus on a few streams that have fish.

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Nicely done Jeff! I see your herls are a bit short. Only place the I know of the has them super long is feathercraft but they may not have any more tho.

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Nice ties for sure.


This is a swimming sucker at 16" long with 12" herl. hard to come by, but if you look you can find it. i don't use it anymore since the toothies chew it up to much.



better pic


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Great looking flies! If you need still another addiction, Striped Bass, even the "Wipers", would eat any of them too! Wouldn't surprise me if you don't catch some really big LM or SM bass on them as well! :)

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