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Rod Building Forum Registration

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Having a problem registering on the rod building forum. Once I use my email from this forum it tells me someone else is registered with the same email address. This prevents any further way to register on the forum. Am I missing something?

Sorry to go off topic but I find no way to contact anyone on the rod building forum. Thought someone on this forum might possibly be able to help.


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I have the same problem with that site and the classic flies site.......I'm not sure what the solution is......



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I am one of the Mods on the Rod building forum, but your user name and password should be the same. I will PM Steve (Steeldrifter) who is admin for both sites and see what he has to say about it, as I can't go that deep into your info.

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The first thing I tried was using the same user name and password. That didn't work so then tried to register but when you put in your email address to register you get an error saying that there is another account with that email address which prevents you from going any further even trying the forgot password option.

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