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Stumped! What is this for?

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flytire, I went at it again. I had better results by tying my floss on the top and the bottom of the hook and then rotating the vise a quarter turn. Before, the knot or cross-over was ending up on the top and bottom but now they are on the sides of the shank. Its still too big of a pain to be practical. Take Care, Tony

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After having slept a few nights on this one, i now suspect it may be intended to be used with two spools of wire for the benefit of those who do midge larvae with bodies of two different colors of wire wound simultaneously. Just a thought!

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We don't either Hellgrammite, that's why we are all guessing and trying to come up with some way this thing could be used.

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Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I think that it's just a gimmick to pad sales. None of the suggestions are particularly workable. To use 2 spools of anything, they have to spool off at the same rate, and that's just not going to happen. I do, occasionally, use 2 bobbins, but I don't see this contraption as being particularly useful.

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I stil lcan't see how it would be used with two spools :/ Any tension and they would pingout. Unless you put a bitof dowel or summat throughthe middles but it would be easier to spool uptwo bobbins instead.


I apologise for anytypos. Been drinkign lol

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I don't know what its for, but if anyone really wants to know ask a company called "future tackle" angling supply's based in Wales.

That's who sells it. Should be Far out tackle supply's.. :D


Merry Christmas all.

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Anyone emailed the seller or manufacturer yet and asked? I am like dying to know what this thing's purpose is!


Good luck there. This seller doesn't sell or ship to the USA, and from my experience, won't even answer questions from folks over here. I asked about some tinsel that he had and never got a reply. Most of the folks world wide will at least be polite enough to answer a question about something that they're selling there, but this guy must have a chip on his shoulder about folks living over here. He's been on there for a while now, go ahead and see if you get a reply.




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