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Blackfly Lodge, Abaco

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This past weekend I flew down to Abaco to try my hand at catching a Bonefish.


After a smooth flight from Titusville to Marsh Harbour, we were greeted at airport by Capt Clint Kemp, who promptly loaded our gear and drove us the short 20 minute drive to the lodge.








I wish I was more thorough with my photo taking, but I immediately switched to island mode when we touched down. The lodge overlooks a nice stretch of beach with two balconies to relax and enjoy a Kalik or two.




After a quick tour and review of the weekend plans we hit the water in search of some bonefish and permit.


My experience level quickly started to show itself, and I lined fish after fish in the back and tangled myself with 912983978 feet of fly line. However, not all was lost. I finally was able to trick a fish into thinking the mylar and craft fur creation streaking across the bottom was a tasty shrimp.


Fish on! Or so I thought....


Having never fought a fish with such power, I quickly learned the importance of setting the drag and staying clear of the reel. A broken leader and a bruised knuckle later, I sat down to enjoy a fantastic lunch prepared by Chef Devon.


Yet more blown shots and a setting sun sent me back to the lodge with my tail between my legs. However, my spirits were quickly lifted by an amazing dinner accompanied by what can only be called the best Mojito ever made.








After a night of fun filled evening of stories and fish tales passed, we hit the sack to prepare for a full day chasing fish.


Breakfast was right on time at 7:00 AM, and we were on the water at 8:00 AM. A 15 minute run put us into one of the largest school of fish I've ever seen. Surely I could catch one of these.


Not 5 minutes past, and my dad boated his first fish of the day, a nice 5 lb bonefish. Not to be outdone by the old man, I jump on the bow and flail about, trying to get my fly down to the fish. Fish on!




Halfway through the fight, I decided to become the Incredible Hulk and straighten the hook....stupid me!


Tie a new fly, cast again, fish on!


Again, almost....broken off on the rocks.


This pattern continues through lunch, where Capt Clint decided I had suffered enough and gave me a crash course on everything I was doing wrong. After his instruction, I felt like a new man, invincible, and ready to take on the next fish.


Two shots later, fish on and in my hand after a good fight.





Photo credits go to Capt. Clint Kemp


From there on, I was hooked, chasing tailing fish until the dinner bell.


Back at the lodge, a great feast was waiting for us, followed by another round of story telling and fellowship.



We made one final trip the following morning before we left that afternoon, and were not disappointed. I boated a fish on my third cast as well as a barracuda and mutton snapper.


Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and we headed back to the airport to rejoin the real world.


I cannot say enough positive things about my experience at the Black Fly Lodge. If you are interested in taking a trip to catch some bonefish, give these guys a call. You will not be disappointed.


I hope to have some more pictures to share soon as we compile all of the photos from everyone who went.

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god damn now i am hungry! Nice report thanks!

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Great report SC - thanks for sharing. I can identify with the buck fever - there's absolutely nothing that can prepare you for the shock of hooking anything as fast and powerful as a bonefish. Outside of tuna, there's not much in their class as far as speed goes. Wish we had them here. :(

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I am jealous. WAY jealous. Abaco is on my bucket list for sure. I actually have a box of bonefish flies all tied up, just hoping a trip will randomly happen :lol:

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