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Boston Area

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My job is taking me to Norwood, Mass.


I'll be there in two weeks (January 21) for a three week stay. Then I'll be home a week and back to Norwood for 5 weeks starting Febraury 18th.


Anybody from that area?

Places that might be fishable from the shore during those times frames? I am not geared for ice fishing, but maybe some open creeks?


Anyway, I thought I'd get the dates out here to see if anyone's interested.



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I believe the Marlborough fly fishing show is like 1/18-20....if you can get in a day or two early you could take that in.....I've heard it's a pretty good show.....Unfortunately, i haven't lived up there for 35 years so i am no help....



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I believe the Swift River out by Quabbin Reservoir (a tailwater) is open all year, but you'd have to check. You won't find much of anything close to Boston this time of the year. There used to be some decent sea-run brown trout fishing out on the Cape, but trust me, nobody's gonna share any info on that, even if it still exists. Saltwater fishing is pretty much shut down until April at the earliest. There's just nothing around. Midwinter weather in Massachusetts is best experienced from indoors looking out. My advice is to get some Celtics tickets or hit the clubs for some Rock and Roll.

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Thank you, Peter. That's really what I was expecting. I hate cold weather, but I was hoping there might be some places to try. I am thinking of taking my vice and a few hooks, etc and tying some flies in the hotel room. We'll see.

One more week in the blessed warmth, then three weeks in hell.

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When I first posted this topic, I expected several replies from people who live in the area.

After being here for a couple of days, I realized ... NOBODY in their right mind WOULD live here.

It's a little after 5 PM ... the temperature is 23 F and dropping. in other words ... it's EFFING Freezing !!!

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HI Mike,


I expect the weather will keep you off the water, but in case your crazy, I'll second the previous poster who mentioned the Swift river out around Belchertown. Its a tail-water about 2 hours west of Boston and is really your only realistic option this time of year. The only other place would be the Farmington river in Connecticut. The sea run brown fishery was more or less eaten by the Stripers although they still stock browns into Scorton and Sandwich creeks on Cape Cod. I fled MA a few years ago, but I assume they are still doing it. The weather is only one of many reasons that you would have to be nuts to live there. Most of the rest are related to politics, taxes and traffic. As for the temperature, it's 15 F here in southern PA and tomorrow promises more of the same. Best of luck for the next three weeks, I hope you like drinking...



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LOL Matt ... no drinking for me, but fortunately, I have the internet and sites like this one to keep me somewhat busy in this hotel room.

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When I first posted this topic, I expected several replies from people who live in the area.

After being here for a couple of days, I realized ... NOBODY in their right mind WOULD live here.

It's a little after 5 PM ... the temperature is 23 F and dropping. in other words ... it's EFFING Freezing !!!


What a wuss! Just be thankful you aren't in Maine. That place makes Boston look like the tropics. C'mon Mike, man up!

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Of course, you're right, Peterjay ... but for this Florida boy ... anything under 70 is cold. Anything below 40 is freezing and everything below 30 feels the same ... like I've died and gone to my version of hell.

It's 9 this morning ... NINE ... no wind chill in these temps ... just wind death.

Yeah, I know I sound whimpy ... but I HATE cold.


The only good thing about this cold weather ... it makes me SOOOO glad when I get back home !

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You know, most New Englanders don't mind winter, but long about February, everybody starts to get a little stir crazy and people start looking for any signs of spring they can latch onto. You're right - Boston has a tough climate - it's not just the cold, it's the wind that blows in off the water that really gets you. My wife lived in Boston for 10 years, and she still gets the chills thinking about walking along the Charles in January. Boston's a great town, but they can keep the weather.

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Hey Mike,

Just a thought.....if you have access to a car, the Kittery Trading post is just across the border in New Hampshire and if you don't mind a longer drive.....someone correct me if i am wrong....when i was up there a few years ago, my wife and I drove up to LL.Beans and back in one day....I want to say it was about 4-5 hours 1-way and we were staying south of Boston in Plymouth....well worth the drive! they have a huge clearance store and a pretty big fly shop! I would also recommend stopping for lunch and/or Dinner at the "Maine Diner".....since it is too cold for you to get out...Wimp! Seriously if it does warm up, take the subway or commuter train into the North Station and spend a day walking the "Freedom Trail".....you won't regret it... the Subway/commuter train is very safe and Boston is a great city to explore on foot.....



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Hey Mike, Just a thought.....if you have access to a car, the Kittery Trading post is just across the border in New Hampshire and if you don't mind a longer drive.....someone correct me if i am wrong....when i was up there a few years ago, my wife and I drove up to LL.Beans and back in one day....I want to say it was about 4-5 hours 1-way and we were staying south of Boston in Plymouth....well worth the drive! they have a huge clearance store and a pretty big fly shop! I would also recommend stopping for lunch and/or Dinner at the "Maine Diner".....since it is too cold for you to get out...Wimp! Seriously if it does warm up, take the subway or commuter train into the North Station and spend a day walking the "Freedom Trail".....you won't regret it... the Subway/commuter train is very safe and Boston is a great city to explore on foot..... Mike


Now there's an idea! When we lived in Maine, we used to drive down to Kittery every so often. It's right off Rte. 95, and it's an easy trip from Boston. (an hour and a half or so) IMO, the Kittery Trading Post had a better fly shop than LL Bean, and their prices were better. (at least they were ten years ago) I wish there was a store like it down here somewhere. Kittery also has a lot of other outlet stores you could check out. LL Bean is probably a couple of hours further, but if you like to drive, it's not a hard trip. If you're really bored, renting a car for a day and heading up there would be a welcome break. I'd also second Mike's suggestion about exploring using the subway. The Boston subways are very easy to use, (the lines are color-coded) safe, and they go just about everywhere. Boston's very rich in culture and history, and weather aside, it's a great place to spend some time. Of course, the Red Sox really suck these days, but that's another story.


Something to keep in mind: Boston drivers have a well-earned reputation for being absolutely freaking nuts on the road. Believe me, it's true. Obeying traffic laws of any kind is considered a sign of weakness up there. A new car isn't considered broken in until it has 15 or 20 dents.


BTW - If you do go to Maine and you happen to see a moose, be sure to go up and pet him. They love people, especially tourists, and if one lowers his head and comes at you. he's just coming over to say hello. If a moose ignores you, just remember that they have poor eyesight and he doesn't know you're there - just walk up and slap him on the rump, and you'll make him very happy.

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Bass pro is not too far away from you in foxboro. They have some fly tying stuff. But its not like hitting a good lfs. Perhaps a ride to bears den in taunton (south towards ri). They will have everything you would ever need

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