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Deer Antler Tool Caddies

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It is a novel use of antler. Not sure I would have the space on my desk for one sitting flat but it gives me some ideas for the antler I have in my tying room at the minute.

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While I sure hope you find some buyers for your designs, like Piker, I've got an antler sitting in my room that's been waiting for a use. Thank you for posting that one.

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Being a hunter I like it good idea. I wonder if you could also make it so it mounts to the wall, just as handy but off the tying table for those that lack the space on the table. Again good idea.

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You could also fashion a wooden base and attach the antler so it stands vertically. Of course i could see myself continually knocking it over.

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Thank you all for kind words and suggestions.

Wall-hanger and wooden-base are in my ideas too (depending on funding.....). Wall-hanger will be for fly display. Wooden base attached one will be a deluxe tool caddie with engravings on the base......... I'll keep posted. - Lefty Angler & Tyer

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I like the idea, but for me it wouldn't be worth it. You can get antlers pretty cheap on the big auction site, or free if you spend time in the woods so I couldn't see spending that much one one. It would be worth a little more if it had a base to stand it up but still pretty steep at $150. Just my honest opinion. To someone else, they may happily pay that.

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First of all I think your price is way to steep. They look neat, but they take up way to much room. I'm also bothered that everytime you have posted to this site you keep trying to sell something. If you want to sell something put it on the trading floor. Oh thats right you can't do that you don't have enough posts to put items on the trading floor.



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First of all I think your price is way to steep. They look neat, but they take up way to much room. I'm also bothered that everytime you have posted to this site you keep trying to sell something. If you want to sell something put it on the trading floor. Oh thats right you can't do that you don't have enough posts to put items on the trading floor.



^^^+1. It's one thing to post a photo of a gadget or gizmo you've tooled up. That happens regularly here, and people respond well to that. However, it's very different (and tacky) when you open up shop with a link to your commercial site and literally solicit for buyers and orders. In the time it took the OP to draft his signature, he could have contacted the site admins about soliciting here. Even the site sponsors don't pedal their goods on the tying forums.

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