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Wet fly patterns

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Hi, I have a small variaion in my fly box at the moment. I'm looking to expand without having to tie anything too complicated (I am new to fly tying!). I will mainly be fishing for wild brown trout with wet flies in Mountain lakes all over Snowdonia. I have already tied the following:


Coch y Bonddu

Black & Peacock Spider

Black Gnat

Black Spider

Soldier Palmer


Mallard & Claret



Any more suggestions along with a material list would be appreciated! I am not the best at tying and therefore do not want to go too complicated.




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Kate McLaren, Clan chief, Diawlbach & Black pennell are a few more great flies to try.


hope this helps.

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A great book to look for, should be plenty second hand is trout and salmon flies of Wales. You have to tie a dawl Bach. Cock feather fibres tail, peacock herl body, wire rib, cock fibres beard.

Also google loch flies as any/all of these should work in UK.

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If you can spin deer hair do the palmered hackle flies from above with a small muddler head. Great pulled through the surface.


Other flies you might consider. All these patterns are widely available, try a search on any.

Tavy Terror, Black thread body, gold wire or oval rib, Greenwell's hackle (same ac Cock-y-Bhonddu)

Black Pennel

Blae & Black (Black Pennel with grey duck wings)

Greenwell's Glory


Kate MacKlaren GP Topping, Black seal's fur, Black hackle palmered, Red game at the head.

Loch Ordie

Butchers. Any and all.

Blue and red versions of the Zulu. Just the same but different front hackle colour.

Teal Blue and Silver (PM me for the cheat on the wing)

Peter Ross



And if you feel up to a challenge look up my Rough Fly in the data base. Video here



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