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dryfly purist

cdc mayfly "Klingberg style" - cdc almost all the way :-)

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cdc mayfly "Johan Klingberg style" - cdc almost all the way :-)


PS. The wings and the hackle are a bit darker than it looks on the picture. The flash on the camera makes it look lighter than i really is.


Hook: Hends 404 #12

Tail: Coq de leon

Body: A cdc feather that is moistened and spun around the hook while i twist the feather once or twice for every turn.

Thorax: cdc dubbing mixed with some ice dubbing

Wings and hackle: The cdc wings and hackle are from the same two cdc feathers. In this case i have used a cdc colored Khaki Campell from Guide Line.











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Like that, have you tied in the post then pull down some strands left and right and use dubbing to hold it down?

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Like that, have you tied in the post then pull down some strands left and right and use dubbing to hold it down?

Thanks, Piker20 :-)


It´s bit different technique.

I have used this method that i learned from a swedish fly tier called Johan Klingberg. I saw a dvd he made where he used this technique :-)





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Terje your ties are always so clean and elegant they impress me everytime will you please tie an ugly fly just once so I know you are a real person and not some robot laugh.png

Thanks a million, man :-) :-)

I´ll see what i can do :-)



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