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Woodinfliezz I would love to get out in the kayak but up here in N.W. Indiana its 8 degress with a wind chill of minus 5. Its even to cold to go to the creeks for steelhead.

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I fish out of my kayak quite a bit. Mostly lakes and ponds and an occasional slow moving river. I have tried fishing a few times in faster rivers (Au Sable, Manistee) but have been pretty frustrated with the experience so far. It is too hard to navigate (paddling takes 2 hands) and fish at the same time. Anchoring the kayak is difficult too. It seems that I can't orient my kayak correctly to flyfish a place efficiently. A SOT kayak might be a better choice for rivers because it is easier to get in and out of for the purpose of fishing a stretch of water. So from now on I will use my inflatable pontoon boat for rivers (all I have to do is stand up in order to fish and area) and my kayak for still waters.

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Craig's list, huh? If you don't mind, how much did you pay? I'd love to get a kayak ... just can't justify the money when I have a 14 foot flat bottom boat.


Check Orlando Kayak Fishing Club's forum.


They have a classifieds section that usually has a yak or two for sale.


Orlando and Space Coast Craigslist are also good sources.


There are a few dealers that will let you take out a demo as well.

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This is my ride.


Can't always get into as tight of places a kayak can, but still fun to fly fish from.


This is from a three day float trip. We fished about 12 miles and camped along the river. Both of these pontoons were loaded to the max with gear and we made through Class II rapids with ease.

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Been reading this for a bit and figured I'd chime in (with nothing important) but I looked at that Hobie Kayak on a visit to NJ...holy moly what a cool kayak! Would be awesome minus the fact it costs in the area of 4500.00! Sorry can't justify that money for fishing unless its on multiple rods or something... My wife and I have 3 kayaks though, 2 are the field and stream yaddah yaddah ones...I can't stand on them but have had a blast fly fishing from it...haven't casted crazy far our given that I'm sitting but I've done ok. I'm going to drag my butt out to the ocean this year here in SE Mass and give it a shot and see if i don't go for a swim in the process. I'll let you all know how I make out. Right now I'm attaching a fly rod holder and looking into making a "detachable" pontoon for it just to help with stability...we'll see how that works out. It does give me lots of storage space so I don't get too tangled up.

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I had all all other kinds like pontoon, raft, canoe and a glitter rocket and nothing comparesto fishing out of kayaks!


This my new kayak and my 7th one. Moken 12.5 ready to hit the water as soon the ice leaves.


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Hey Phish.....What made you decide to buy that paticular yak. You have owned 7 so you should know what to look for. I just bought a Ride 135. I have yet to get it wet. There sure is a wide selection from which to choose. I already know that I don't care for the weight. I need a cart to get it to the water. I nice solo canoe would be much lighter but less stabil and probably less comfortable for long days. I hope to be able to stand to help vary the ole body muscles and joints.

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I got the Freefree from what I done research on. What it got for by the standing platform and mounting rod holders behind especially for fly fishing. The main point is its stability is second to none. Its much wider than my Tarpon140.

Now the Ride 135 is a very nice yak and has more of following but it was a close third behind Native Slayer on my list. The length is all dependant on your waters you will fish mostly. The bigger the water the longer you want to go.


As for cart you can't beat a C Tug! Feelfree has a newer nicer one that I am contemplating getting tho but prolly not much better than my C Tug to justify it.

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Perfect timing for this thread.


Ive been reading and reading and READing about kayaks for fishing. I fish alone most of the time so im looking to pull the trigger on a kayak next month. I really like the looks of the Moken Phish. Id love to hear more input on selection as well. If its your 7th you certainly have experience. I REALLY like the standing platform on the Moken. I like to stand when I fish from a kayak.

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Perfect timing for this thread.


Ive been reading and reading and READing about kayaks for fishing. I fish alone most of the time so im looking to pull the trigger on a kayak next month. I really like the looks of the Moken Phish. Id love to hear more input on selection as well. If its your 7th you certainly have experience. I REALLY like the standing platform on the Moken. I like to stand when I fish from a kayak.

Hey ben I can always bring it up cause I want to fish a few places for muskies. But if you like me, it gonna be what you need or maybe the Wilderness System Ride is another great optons. There is a few more tho that you might like but I think I be on my Moken full time and while 2 other yaks wont see much water this year.


As for experience yea I done whitewater canoing while I was teenager so but fishing out kayak since 2000. Awesome way to fish.

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Perfect timing for this thread.


Ive been reading and reading and READing about kayaks for fishing. I fish alone most of the time so im looking to pull the trigger on a kayak next month. I really like the looks of the Moken Phish. Id love to hear more input on selection as well. If its your 7th you certainly have experience. I REALLY like the standing platform on the Moken. I like to stand when I fish from a kayak.

Hey ben I can always bring it up cause I want to fish a few places for muskies. But if you like me, it gonna be what you need or maybe the Wilderness System Ride is another great optons. There is a few more tho that you might like but I think I be on my Moken full time and while 2 other yaks wont see much water this year.


As for experience yea I done whitewater canoing while I was teenager so but fishing out kayak since 2000. Awesome way to fish.


Oh I can show you Musky water! Notice I said "musky water". I know where they should be, but cannot promise lol. I have a few kayaks on my list to try out. That is first time ive seen the Moken and I like it. I also like the Native slayer and a couple others. Its going to be a tough decision. This upcoming weekend is a fly fishing show by me and they are supposed to be several kayak dealers there so it'll be good to talk to them.

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I fish out a Native Ultimate. Of the kayaks that I've owned, this is easily the most fly fishing friendly boat. It's ultra stable, relatively quick, and tracks very well. It is relatively heavy for a kayak, which makes for crappy portages if you ever have to do that. It's definitely kayak that I would recommend for fly fishing though.


The one thing to keep in mind if you're a river fisherman, or deal with windy days on a somewhat regular basis, is that you will want to get a rudder. Not having to worry about paddling all the time is priceless.

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I fish out of a native ultimate as well.....love it.....It is heavy compared to some sit insides, but lighter than most sit-on-tops which is one of the reasons i went w/it.....throw it on top of my jeep and go!



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