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Shop addition/Office Build

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Nice! I forgive the words of Axle. He isn't too popular here in St. Louis after the riot and all...lol!

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Well there is still a lot more to do such as - Pre-hung door built into the aquarium wall covered with 3D rocks so the door is not noticeable, wood threshold strip between the two rooms, finishing the wood trim work, fix and paint some of the original ceiling at the bottom of the stairwell, finish making the wood face plates on the stairs, build the 3D background for the aquarium, trim the opening of the aquarium with wood, finish the decor pieces....still lots to do, but this is where it is at right now.







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I've been keeping an eye on your project all along and eagerly await your all of your updates as the project progresses. As a retired remodeler, may I say you are doing a fine job and not falling prey to common "rookie" mistakes in design and execution. Well done! ;)

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I'm still waiting for the five channels dam sign to go up somewhere awesome... Like lightly coat it in epoxy and drop it in the fish tank...

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I'm still waiting for the five channels dam sign to go up somewhere awesome... Like lightly coat it in epoxy and drop it in the fish tank...



It's up, I just haven't finished painting near it so haven't posted a pic of it yet but I put it on the wall as your come down the stairwell.

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just curious what fish are you going to throw in the aquarium?? you should put some bows and brookies in there :) maybe a small mouth or 2 and a small school of threadfins :) haha that would be awesome and for tank cleaners get some http://fishesofgeorgia.uga.edu/index.php?page=speciespages/species_page&key=hypenigr in there :)

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Woodinfliezz- It's going to be a Cichlid tank. Mostly Peacocks and some of the larger "Hap" species which get to be about 12"-14" long. I actually did check into getting a Chiller for the tank so I could stock some trout in it, but the chiller itself was a good $1000+ and the amount of electricity it takes to run it would add $100+ per month to the electric bill. So I ditched that idea.


Well the past week was spent doing some work as well as upnorth fishing so just got a few hours this evening to get back on the office build. Tonight I installed the prehung door which I had to do lots of trimming and fitting but finally got it fit nicely now. And also started covering it with foam which I will start shaping/carving tomorrow so that once it is done then it will blend right in with the rock wall so you won't even know there is a dorr or room behind the wall (James Bond kinda stuff lol)



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Also did the pole at the bottom of the stairs to match the rock wall...


Still some more work to do but getting close to being done now with the room and close to being ready to start in the tank on the tanks background.

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