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Online tying material in Canada

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Hi all.


This is a great site. I love to see all the very talented tier's flies. I've been tying for some time now. I recently came accross this site, Wholesalesports.com. They have a great variety of material and seems very reasonable prices too. Here is the link.




Has anyone tried them? Are the material bad, good or excellent quality? I just want to keep it in Canada only b/c of duty and added taxes. But if you know another site that's cheaper, great.


Thanks to all who respond.

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We have a couple of their US stores in my area. I haven't ordered online from them on been to their Canadian stores. Most of the materials in the stores are from the usual big name suppliers. The rebranded items seeem to be comparable in quality to what you see in fly shops. Their rebranded hooks are typical of the generic hooks sold by everyone these days. They are kind of a big-box like store. I try to support local fly shops first, but I have found some great deals at Wholesale Sports.

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For within Canada I have used the following two companies with great results:



Great site, sell all sorts of fly fishing and tying goodies and they have great communication and customer service. Highly recommend FlyMart. They also support local fly fishing claves and events, and is run by a bunch of avid fly fisherman. I won a $500+ Spey rod they donated to the Grand River Spey Clave last year, and when they found out I had never spey casted before they also set me up with a free lesson. Top notch guys.



I have placed two orders from Canadian llama and have been very impressed with both. Shipping is very cheap, beads,cones and other goodies are priced a lot cheaper then you would find in stores, and they have all sorts of interesting things to try out. In winter the owners live in AZ and the orders are shipped from there, but I did not have to pay a single penny extra due to this fact. They also include a fair bit of extras.


E-bay is also a great place to find whole pelts, beads, saddles etc.

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I just fired off a llama order a week or so ago, have not got it yet but they had some items that are very difficult or impossible to find in local shops here. One being tungsten hourglass eyes, i know it is pretty simple and boring but nearly every shop i go to here only stocks products containing lead and i want to move away from that plus prefer the tungsten as it sinks really quickly. They also had a great selection of AJ spey hooks and steelhead irons in all finishes and sizes which i went a bit mad on.


One of my buddies who is pro staff and a guide in the Campbell River BC area put me onto http://www.canadiantubeflies.com/flytying.html and i am really impressed, all the best plumage comes from there, for example u can buy 'burnt goose shoulder' in a local shop under one of those big distributor names and only the tip 5cm is usable as the stem gets really thick and brittle. The tube fly company does something to soften the feathers and stems plus a much better method of burning. As i said best plumage i have found in Canada so far. The feathers even smell really nice, i am sure they use a conditioner or something??? Anyway all is processed by them and very very good.

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Jam: When Llama ships out of AZ I found it takes a bit longer for obvious reasons. They usually do ship the day after you place your order though.I made my last order on the 10th of this month, and received it on the 25th. 10-14 days for a package from the U.S is about normal in my experience (I deal a lot with international mail) and when they do ship from Canada in the spring and summer its usually more along the lines of 4-7 business days.


I have been wanting to place an order with CTF, they seem to have really good deals for rhea and other great intruder materials.

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Thanks guys. I called them, toll free #, they charge 3% for shipping, more for heavy items so not too bad. I'll check out the other sites.


Welcome to the forum Joel.


Thanks again guys.

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There are a number of shops that would gladly ship, and a fair few in Canada ebay sellers (just search ebay.ca for sellers in Canada only). Whereabouts in Canada are you? There might be a nearby option, too.

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There are a number of shops that would gladly ship, and a fair few in Canada ebay sellers (just search ebay.ca for sellers in Canada only). Whereabouts in Canada are you? There might be a nearby option, too.

I'm in Toronto. There are a alot of sources, BPS, LeBaron, and specialty fly shops. The BPS and LeBaron have limited supplies and the price at the specialty stores are double of online. Not that I would not like to support the smaller shops, I'm just not in a postion to spend lavishly. The best part of wholesalesports is they take credit cards and not paypal, which I never want to use.


But thanks for the suggestion.

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I am looking for a reasonably low priced supplier of larger hooks, for bass bugs/pike/musky...streamers..... mainly 2 - 2/0 sizes, if anyone can recommend...I would like to buy by the 100 packs or larger...

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There are a number of shops that would gladly ship, and a fair few in Canada ebay sellers (just search ebay.ca for sellers in Canada only). Whereabouts in Canada are you? There might be a nearby option, too.

I'm in Toronto. There are a alot of sources, BPS, LeBaron, and specialty fly shops. The BPS and LeBaron have limited supplies and the price at the specialty stores are double of online. Not that I would not like to support the smaller shops, I'm just not in a postion to spend lavishly. The best part of wholesalesports is they take credit cards and not paypal, which I never want to use.


But thanks for the suggestion.

Go to Sail. The store in Ottawa is pretty good for supplies! I think there is one near you.

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I need online source...prairie life has its' limitations!

Where in the prairies are you?


We have options in Saskatchewan for fly fishing equipment and tying supplies.


Wholesale sports in Canada ships out of Calgary if I am not mistaken? They have a great fly fishing department in Calgary. The section in Saskatoon is not so great! The Northern Fly Fisherman in Martensville ,Sk is a great shop out of a garage of a fellow named Colin. He may send out stuff and is a knowledgeable tyer and fisherman.

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Here in the states, I've found that most shops are happy to ship, they just don't have an online order taking WEB site. If you know what your're looking for, just call the shop, and ask them how much extra to ship it to you. In most cases, the postage will be less than what it would cost you to drive across town anyway.

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Hi , if you are looking for a flyfishing store in canada , look at www.salmonature.com if you want anything you can send a email with the things you need and you will get a reply quickly .

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