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Fly Tying

Fly Box Frustrations, anyone have them?

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What do you prefer when it comes to your fly boxes?

Ripple foam?
Wallets? Don't flies get stuck in the felt?
& any other's that you may have tried or come up with?

I have made my own but the foam seems to rip to easily.

Please help

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I personally prefer to buy the clear plastic medium size box, i like to just look through the plastic to see if i pulled out the right box i need, but i have also bought a large thin box with the foam slits i like real well, still wish it had a clear top though.

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I prefer the foam slit boxes with the clear tops for the most part. For storage I have several slit foam boxes I got basically for free when ordering supplies from a certain fly supplier. They work fine for storage and I just label what's in them. For small flies I like the magnetic boxes. Once you get much smaller than a size #16 or so it becomes to hard to hold them and get them into the foam slot. I have a lot of flies in the 18-26 area and it's magnetic for them except the nymphs. Most of the nymphs, expecially those with brass bodies, do not have to be handled as if they're fragile. Those can go fine into the foam slots right on down to 22-24.


For streamers it depends on size. For the smaller streamers the foam slots work fine but for the larger streamers I like the flat foam or rippled foam. When you have a lot more flies then you'll use in a lifetime and still enjoy tying, you need to have lots of areas to store them toward the day your kids put them on ebay.


I also have a beautiful walnut fly box with ripple foam in it. When I tie that rare fly that I sit back, look at, and say "That's too nice a tie to fish", then those go into the walnut box and will end a display on the fireplace mantle someday. Need to get more flies like that to fill it tho.

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I prefer the double-sided see-through plastic boxes....waterproof, easy to open and close, and I can see what is in each side of the box with a glance.

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Yes... the frustration of keeping even one full!

I don't loose many flies, except to the people I fish with. Who descend like a plague whenever I tie myself a few up.



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My frustration is with my big articulating flies. Im a bit OCD when it comes to fly storage the big articulating ones drive me nuts! No good way to store them!


I have a bunch of different types for different applications. Bug Luggage for bonefish. Flambeau monster box for my salty trips and in the summer for my warmwater stuff. Regular plano cases work well in all different sizes as well.

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I prefer the double-sided see-through plastic boxes....waterproof, easy to open and close, and I can see what is in each side of the box with a glance.


I second that and add that I also like the clear flat slit foam boxes from Angler's Image, but you lose the waterproof feature.

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I appreciate all the answer's. I have all my flies in a 1" flat box I found, I sprayed the inside w/3M adhesive & foam craft sheets fit in it perfectly, the biggest problem with it is that the foam tears to easily when you remove or return the flies.


& I can't seem to find replacement inserts, I know Flambeau has Fly Lockers that are very similiar to what I've made but don't seem to sell replacement inserts, anyone know a supplier of Fly Locker inserts?

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& I can't seem to find replacement inserts, I know Flambeau has Fly Lockers that are very similiar to what I've made but don't seem to sell replacement inserts, anyone know a supplier of Fly Locker inserts?

I guess you didn't finnish reading Haha get another cup of coffee :) Already looked @ their site & didn't see any inserts, not looking for new box :)

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I use practically everything you listed, actually. I keep most of my dry flies in small clear compartment boxes. My primary nymph box is a center leaf box with nubbies (I think Flambeau makes it). My midge box is a C&F midge threader box. My bluegill boxes are customs that I made from Altoids cans. My bass bug and bulky streamer boxes are simple Plano Stowaway type boxes in different sizes, my musky flies are in big Plano's. I also use a Finsport Fly Wallet for my streamer patterns that can be stored flat/compressed like zonkers and EP "peanut butter" style streamers, Deceivers, and Clousers.

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