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Killing Lice on Birds

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Sevin dust works well, as does freezing.


Be very cautious with No-Pest strips, the dichlorvos in them binds to water, so breathing around them is not a good idea....they were supposed to be off the market a few years ago because of concern of chronic exposure causing lasting damage....you can kill an entire aquarium of fish very quickly by having a No-Pest in the same room.

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once the animal is dead the fear of lice ticks and fleas is gone as they all feed on blood I harvest alot of materials from once living creatures that have met their demise by many means all I ever do is flesh the hide completely then wash with dawn dish soap the reason I use this instead of dog shampoo is its a great degreaser and it gets the grease from the fat off the fur or feathers then I dry with borax for a minimum of 1 week

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once the animal is dead the fear of lice ticks and fleas is gone as they all feed on blood I harvest alot of materials from once living creatures that have met their demise by many means all I ever do is flesh the hide completely then wash with dawn dish soap the reason I use this instead of dog shampoo is its a great degreaser and it gets the grease from the fat off the fur or feathers then I dry with borax for a minimum of 1 week


Right on, bro.


filthy, nasty, disgusting ticks can be the last to leave a dead body, so watch out for those.

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