riffleriversteelheadslayer 0 Report post Posted March 7, 2013 The thing with pot is even if a state legalizes it the federal laws remain illegal here in Michigan you get a green card for Medical Marijuana which can be obtained almost as easy as asprin anymore but yet they still can arrest those using it under federal law if they decide to Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
netabrookie 0 Report post Posted March 7, 2013 Yeah, I agree. There might not be any drug slingers in the Yukon....I doubt if there is good cell signals either so thats another problem solved... Then I wouldn't really care what the rest of the world was legalizing as long as I don't become bear or wolf treats... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
netabrookie 0 Report post Posted March 7, 2013 I agree with you also Paul. I thought that the federal government had the final say and you just confirmed what I was thinking. The first agree was with JS and me needing to move..On second thought, I just need to stay put and keep my guard up better. As far as legalizing weed, I don't really give a hoot one way or the other. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riffleriversteelheadslayer 0 Report post Posted March 7, 2013 Oh come on up to my neck of the woods Tony I know some great brookie fishing away from drug slingers Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MIKE*A 0 Report post Posted March 7, 2013 You know, the reality of it is that marijuana is already damn near legal in most states.....I've worked in law enforcement in Ohio for almost 25 years, the majority of that time has been handling drug investigations......If you get caught smoking a joint or even in possession of less than 100 grams, it is a minor misdemeanor offense.....a ticket that you can pay by mail, no different than a public intoxication charge....The only way you will be arrested on a minor misdemeanor is if there are other extenuating circumstances.....As far as it being illegal Federally, you will never get charged in federal court for marijuana possession or trafficking unless there is an extraordianary amount in involved,.....like atleast 500 pounds! Any smaller cases are referred to the local courts....the only exceptions to this might be if you are caught on government property or something like that....earlier in my career, I used to wonder if we were doing the right thing by wasting resources fighting drugs like marijuana.....I am not looking to argue w/anyone, only share my opinion.....I think it is wrong to legalize marijuana.....I do believe it is a "gateway drug"......I have interviewed thousands of drug users and everyone of them admitted to starting on marijuana and getting bored w/it and moving on to something more potent, many of them had never touched alcohol......I realize this is no scientific study and I am only interviewing the "ones that got caught", but with that and having teenage kids, is enough to convince me that it should not be legalized...the next step above weed is meth, heroin, or coke and that is scary stuff..... just my $.02 Mike. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Piker20 0 Report post Posted March 7, 2013 Mikechell, it would not be the first time I've made enemies! Age has made me a bit wiser about my actions, and I take my driving responsibilities serious. Also, being a truck driver, there now seems to a social attitude that whenever something happens involving a truck, it's automatically the truck driver who was at fault. I do what I need to do to protect my life, my license & my job. I wish some of the LE could ride along with me sometimes & see what I see! But, I;m sure they see enough of what's going on out there. The police in my home town UK have now started using a rig to police the motorway. They can see into trucks now which they can't do from a patrol car and the numbers of foreign drivers spotted watching DVDs while driving is unreal. It also stops car drivers avoiding the police in their squad cars. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Piker20 0 Report post Posted March 7, 2013 On the topic of Amsterdam, both weed and prostitution us 'legal' there, but more and more evidence is coming to the fore that the people running the legal supply are anything but. Recent investigations show girls being legally sold for sex are trafficked from E.europe and Africa and 'managed' by highly ruthless gangs. The fact that the sale of sex is legal just makes it easier for the scum to function with impunity. Girls are too scared to complain and so LE can do nothing. The same gangs supply the legal weed. If governments want to legalise drugs, as they have tobacco and alcohol, the only way to do so without lining the pockets of scum, is to sell it through govenment outlets with the tax raised returning to tax payers coffers. The drug purity is guaranteed and it allows health managers to budget for the problems they will encounter through the usage. But it will never happen as we live in a world where the growers are living in countries our governments don't like and spend millions on trying to stop production. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riffleriversteelheadslayer 0 Report post Posted March 7, 2013 oh trust me there are enough legal growers here in Michigan to supply the country Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites