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hi guy what is a good but not to hard on the pocket book would like to sent a few patterns in . I dont know what size to get.. tight lines MIKE

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There are a good number of great digital cameras on the market today but make sure you get one with macro focus for taking fly pictures



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Thats good news, Im in the market for one two. Will this macro setting be good for insects on the stream. will these cammeras also take good wild life pictures and scenery. I have no idea about any of this. I usually buy a disposable cammera. I would like to learn as much as I can about this subject. Thanks.

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Let me be first to suggest the Pentax WR-33. Small, light, GREAT macro (down to 1 cm) and... most importantly, water resistant.

It has no motor driven doors to break and wear out batteries, the lens is fixed and flat against the body, it is as simple as 'point 'n shoot' to as complex as you need and it has been upgraded twice, thus making it far cheaper than a year ago when I bought mine.

Of the 3 friends of mine who have bought them I haven't heard one single complaint... Hatchbomb? tongue.gif


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Good choice! Digital Liquidators has it for $169.....


Digital Liquidators Pentax WR 33


Daryn and Pick,


The 3.2 megapixel (along with other features) will provide sharp images up close with the macro and nice scenic images as well. I don't know if/how this will perform underwater, but the macro should take nice images of scuds, bugs, etc. if held out of the water.


You can also get a neoprene case for the camera that is pretty neat.


Water resistance is nice, but if you want to go cheaper, you can still find "good" digitals for less money. Just don't go below 3.2 megapixels (if you can even find one now under 3.1) and make sure it has a macro setting. Also, light is a very frustrating issue. I do like the backlight feature on many cameras so you don't have to use flash.


Just my opinion, though.....



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Hey Guys,


I gave my wife our first digital camera for Christmas. She didn't know it but I wanted one to take pics of flies and my fishing adventures)


I got kisses and a camera.


I did not know anything about digital cameras until I foiund the following website. I ended up purchasing a 4.0 mgp Olympus (with macro) for $229 at officemax, and it came with a free 64 meg storage card ($49 value)




A great source of info. I also found out you could not post high quality pics to the web easily unless they were commpressed (both in physical size and file size). There isa free program you can download from the web that offers a ton of info and features for photos.




I downloaded it and have used it without any problems



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Yes, I took Peddler's advise and got the Pentax Optio, but I one-upped him by getting the 4.0 mp version, the 43WR. It's awesome. Just be careful of where you get it. I did quite a lot of research on places to buy online before I made the purchase at Cabela's (got a 15% discount). I found many online retailers, but after checking out their ratings and making a few phone calls to them, it really put me off. You just don't know who to trust and when spending over $300 bucks, I wanted to be sure. If you call the number that is listed on the website and get someone who sounds like they're from an Asian country, keep looking. I called 5 different sites and the operators all sounded the same and ran the same lines of BS. I'd try to get it at a local camera store if possible, or maybe a national chain like Wolf or Ritz Camera...

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Hi everyone,

The digital camera I use is a Fugi S602Zoom I have had it for over a year and a half and have had great results and as a complete amateur find it very easy to use.

the good feature is that it has standard macro which takes pictures from 10 cms from the fly and then super macro which then allows you to take photos from

one cms from the fly.If you want have a look in the photo gallery under the name Peaty Mann you will see my efforts.

All the best Davie.



P.s There is newer models of the camera on the market.

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Chalk another vote up for the pentax although I've also got the 43. Great cameras. This is my second Pentax. As far as the online retailers go Onecall.com is where I bought mine and everyone I spoke with was definety here in the states so there were no communications problems. smile.gif They are also a certified pentax dealer.

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If I may throw in my .02 cents, one of the best sites to visit (and maybe THE best site to visit) before spending your money on a new digital camera is steves-digicams.com where you'll find some of the most in depth reviews around. The other one to visit is amazon.com and read up on the consumer reviews for the camera/s you are considering.






And if you want to get into DSLR (digital single lens reflex) photography, then fredmiranda.com is the site to be:



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A sales rep took pictures with a new digital camera at the new store where I work. I asked what kind...don't remember but asked why he chose that particular one. He did a search of "Top 10 Digital Cameras" and read the specs and prices. He chose number 2 as it had a lot of things he wanted plus the price was in his budget. Was real pleased with it. You might try this method. wink.gif

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