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leader construction 6 wt 5wt and 3wt

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I plan on constructing my leaders this year. I am a big fan of flourocarbon. I am particularly interested in streamer leaders for my 6 wt. I thought about going with 60-20-20 percentage construction using 20lb flouro 12 or 14lb and then have the tippet end in 8 or 6lb. Thoughts from anyone who does this?


5 wt is my general purpose trout rod so any recommendations are appreciated there.

3 wt any recommendations


I usually use surgeons knots as I find them easy and comfortable. I know some people are not fans of flouro thinking that it is not as tough as mono. I think that is tougher, is more difficult to see and is more abrasion resistant. I think it breaks on some people at the knots. It is very susceptible to friction heat from cinching knots so you must moisten the knot well prior to cinching tight.


Thanks in advance for your comments.

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The 60-20-20 is a tried and true method........the main thing is that the first part of your leader be no less than 60% of the diameter of the end of your flyline......I generally use about a 6" piece of Mason Hard Mono on the end of my flylines to attach my leader to w/a handshake knot.......I use flouro quite a bit as leader material for subsurfae fishing....to be honest, a lot of times I just strip off a 4-5' piece of flouro, 8-12# test and use that as my leader coming off that piece of Mason hard mono......



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i use mono 10lb as my first 4 or 5 feet and 6lb flouro for 2 feet and the end is either 2lb or 4lb flouro it works great for all species and trout dont seem to notice

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I fish warmwater and I use a furled 5' mono leader on my rods 5wt and below. From 7wt and up I just use a 4 to 4.5' heavy butt section of 40# and about a 3' tippet of whatever I deem neede. 8




I fish warmwater and I use a furled 5' mono leader and mostly a 6# tippet on my 5wt and lighter. On my 7wt and up I use a 40# butt section of 4 to 4.5' and a tippet of 8# or up. I loop to loop connection of fly line to leader butt and loop to loop tippet to leader. Simple, easy to change tippet or leader if needed. I seldom change anything but the tippet on the water. I like 4# tippets but any little nick and the breaking strength of it becomes quite low. The 6# has a reasonable safety factor and if needed, one can apply a lot of pressure on 6# if you hook into a heavy fish.

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