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Fly Tying

Materials.. What's ok and what's not?

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I'm anew tyer out of Holland Michigan and I'm wondering what materials are ok to use and what aren't such as fake feathers (like you would buy at michaels, craft store, etc) dubbing and such. I've looked around and many people on here say they get a lot if their materials from craft stores or dollar general etc. what do you guys think is ok to buy and use??

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Many of the feathers sold by craft stores are useful. What you do have to watch out for are dyed materials. Many of them are not water fast. The colour will leach out of them when you fish them. I've found this to be the case with marabou bought from craft stores, just about every time. The other thing that has been a disaster was silver and gold oval tinsel. Found a spool but wound as a rib it comes apart badly.


There isn't a craft store within a days travel of me so I am restricted to on line, these, though, are the things I do get from craft suppliers frequently.


Foam, usually 2mm sheets.

Wire in sizes from 0.3mm down in all the colours I can get it. Wire isn't just wire. Avoid silver it goes black with age. Look for the coloured copper wire, sometimes called "Tigers Tail"

Scissors, I know they are a tool not a material. However I view scissors as a consumable and change them often. Some makes of embroidery scissors make great tying scissors.

Organza ribbon, as a sort of pseudo hackle. (See my Ribbon Caddis.)

Embroidery silk, for use as floss and good for the Polish woven nymphs.

If you can get it, the gold braid used for military dress uniforms. Its a coil of gold wire that is very fine. A few inches will last years.

Recently I've been looking at Silver Pheasant as they are much cheaper than fly tying suppliers, but haven't taken the plunge yet.

Glass seed beads for a few patterns.

Storage boxes. They have some great boxes, useful for storage and as fly boxes.


That's about it. Remember fly tiers only make "bonus sales" from craft stores. They are not going to provide you with the service you'll get from a fly tying retailer.




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I love to go tho the craft store with my wife.I walk around and get my creative juices flowing.I have tryed a lot of stuff.I also have found that the dyed marabou bleed out really,and most of the marabou was crap.Still lots of fun stuff.I get zap-a-gap there,Mary Maxim acrylic rug yarn makes great dubbing after ran through the coffie grinder.beading wire for artulated flies.Most important thing to do is have fun.


The tug is the drug

Bryan ibbert

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Welcome to the forum! This is a great place to learn and to get inspired--there are some amazing tiers on here and everyone is very generous with their expertise.


As for craft stores, I use them primarily for foam sheets, beads, wire and yarn. The feathers you'll find there, as others have noted, are a toss-up, some usable, some not. The only ones I've found to be a reliable good value are the ostrich herls, and even those aren't any cheaper than they are anywhere else.


I am located in Holland, MI also -- shoot me a PM if you're interested in getting together to tie and/or fish--it's almost time! :)

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If you have a Hobby Lobby near you I found this Marabou that is sewed into some fabric material that's about 3-4ft long. I have no idea whats its used for but I have more black Marabou than I know what to do with for $3.99, and no feather stems either. I think they only have black, red, and white but its a great price. I made really neat leeches with this stuff.


I also like using doll eyes for my poppers and foam frogs from hobby stores, too. They kind of bug out a bit. Oh, you can also find Stretch Magic in hobby shops which you can substitute for V-Rib for nymphs and stuff.

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Boxes for hooks, beads and stuff. Their wire is pretty cheap too. I tend to tie as much with natural material as possible. No foams Etc. but that is just me. They still have all kinds of feathers anf natural wools.

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I 2nd the craft bead storage boxes .... they are awesome, also look carefully thorugh storage boxes. Some of them make GREAT fly boxes

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West Ottawa (1995). I don't live in Holland anymore but still make it over there to see family. I'm a reluctant east-sider now.

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I 2nd the craft bead storage boxes .... they are awesome, also look carefully thorugh storage boxes. Some of them make GREAT fly boxes


Me too -- forgot about the boxes/organizers. Tons of great stuff to be had. Also magnets - they have them in lots of different configurations, and they are dead useful on the bench. I use them to dock finished flies and also to keep bare hooks and metal beads that I've laid out from finding their way onto the carpet.

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I was in Michael's a week or two ago, and found a big marabou boa for $8 that was mottled brown. It appeared to be natural, so I don't think running dye would have been an issue. I should have bought one, since mottled brown isn't always easy to find. (Mrs. was with me and I didn't want to overdo it LOL) Think I'll go back and get it.

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Don't forget the fly tiers motto when in craft stores,

"Yield to temptation, you never know when it will pass your way again."



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Hey guys thanks so much for your info.


I go to college at Hope which is located in Holland but I also live there. I am a new fly fisherman as well as a tier. I started this summer at Silver Creek in Idaho and I fell in love with it. I have tied some Elk Hair Caddis, some black ants, and Bully's spider (bluegill). That's just a snippet of I guess my fly fishing and I'm excited to learn from you guys!

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You are making me cry. Spometimes you just have to go in for the big one. You could do two weeks in the dog house standing on your head:)


I am starting to get the shakes so I better get to the craft store.

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