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Fly Tying

Picking The Correct Peacock Eyes for Stripped Herl

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Thanks so much for your comments.


I read conflicting information about the male shedding his older feathers once a year and then regrowing them. Either way, if I cannot get my hands on quality feathers that are at least 5 years of age or older - from what I've read these are the preferred feathers - then it matters not. I will indeed take a look at the Polish Quills you mentioned.


I came across this article while searching for good peacock feathers. The feathers in the article look superior.


Thanks again for your help.

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I bought a 100 pack of peacock eyes from aliexpress in China and gave them away. Poor quality for bleaching


I also bought a 100 pack of bleached quills from a seller on eBay from the U.K. and they werent the best quality either


Polish quills can be good but theyre mostly for small flies as 50-60% of the quill is usable


Thanks for your comments. I was really tempted to purchase a 50-100 pack of feathers, but did not. One vender called his eyes "bear paw size" then noted that the width of these eyes were "1.5-2 inches". Pretty small bear if you ask me.


I tie mostly small midge, BWO's in 18-24#, so the Polish Quills may work for me.


I appreciate your help.

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I get most of my peacock from Continential feathers.

Amounts you have to order have changed lately.




Rick, thanks for your post.


I came across Continental Feathers a few days back. Can you tell me how wide the peacock eyes are that you purchased from them? Better still, were you able to get some good quills from these feathers?



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