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Predator Poppers

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Come on PJ....quit beating around the bush......Just say it......."sissies"

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Haha. I was watching a guy on tv last night, Robson Green? Not sure if you guys have his show? And he was trying to shore fish in a "huge" wave. What a wuss. Made me glad im not 5'6.

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Come on PJ....quit beating around the bush......Just say it......."sissies"


You've gotta be careful not to go too far overboard around here Ray - there are an awful lot of Michiganders on this board, and they're a sinister bunch. At least two of them have already conspired to murder me via poisonous vermin sent through the mail in a plain brown wrapper. I shudder to think what else they've got up their sleeves.

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Never mind that"storm excuse." A real fisherman would be out there braving the gales of spring. Hell, I'll bet most of your fishing takes place in that tank. Pretty soft crowd out there in Michigan.


Big words PJ, Big Words! ohmy.png

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Hah! I knew rifflerivercarp&suckerslayer wouldn't be able to resist chiming in on this one. Paul, I now microwave all incoming packages as a vermin control measure. It's worked pretty well, aside from that one incident a while back when my new reels arrived. Good thing my wife was out west at the time, although she still wonders why I had the kitchen remodeled while she was away.

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For those of you that dont make to the "flies from the vise section"..


These are predator poppers I am just beginning production/testing on for a local shop. Made with a two part foam and a 90lb through wire. My next batch will be on tubes which should be more practical, I just didnt have any at the moment! Hook is a 7/0 gamakatsu. I should have a video this week of the fly in action. The "Pop" is incredible.





Daddy likes!!!

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Those poppers are cool as they can be. I'd like to fish them at night on my home lake for rockfish. Don't sweat pj he has a thing for eels. (That post still makes me sick)

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tiger musky season out here is about to turn on. I wouldnt mind testing one out too lol


If you find the right conditions for top water these things kick a$$!!!!

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