flysmallie 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2013 At that time elements didn't handle RAW files. I found it very frustrating and went back to full CS5 after the course. The latest version of Elements, I believe, does had facility for camera RAW but I would only be buying what I have already. The announcement from Adobe that they will no longer be selling software in hard copy form is worrying. Now you will have to download it with a limited time licence. I use Elements 7 and it handles RAW files just fine. There is a free codec that you have to download and install but it's simple. I could not live without RAW capabilities. I've been seeing info about this new format that Adobe will be using. Can't say that I am happy about that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kentuckytroutbum 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2013 ...Some people have objected to using Photoshop at all. Saying when it was film there was no adjustment. I reply, "You have never done any colour printing have you?" That simple work flow just makes similar adjustments to the image as a colour enlarger does when printing from a negative... Cheers, C. Yeah, actually film users and the real photographers that did their own developing did a lot in the darkroom. It was an art in itself and if those naysayers would read any Ansel Adams books, you will learn that much of his success was his skill in the darkroom and taking the images and enhancing them for print. That being said, there are some horrendous images people put out of Photoshop mostly from over saturation among others; just because you can doesn't mean you should. Kirk Kirk- You comments are spot on! There is a world of difference between snapshots and photography. You've got to know when to stop at post processing. Also,Crackaig- The last time I was at Yosemite NP, I took the tour of Ansel's workshop. I'm still amazed at what he was able to accomplish. At that time, you could buy prints from his original negatives. Not cheap, but well worth the cost. I came away with even greater respect for the man. Bill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites