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Fish For Life

Fish Skulls/Sculpin helmets

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Ive got a shipment of fish skulls and sculpin helmets on there way and am in need of some patterns to tye when they get hear. Anyone have patterns they are willing to share. Really appreciate it.



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Simple but effective.




Marabou on top and bottom, little flash in between. Watermelon Candy dubbing and a skull. Think that one is a #4.

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These are some of my pike and lake trout flies that include the fish skulls. Currently i am working on making a pattern for walleyes using the skulls which is essentualy a marabou leech with the skull added. You can add the skulls and helmets to almost any minnow pattern that you want. Hope this helps.






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This fly is the Grumpy Jack, It is 6'' longpost-33030-0-56623600-1366397312_thumb.jpg




The body of the fly I have done with a dubbing brush, Rabbit, squirrel tail, poly dub.The tail is rabbit in a dub loop, spun on to beading wire. With deer hair spun on a cut off shank.


I can do a step by step with pics, of how I tie this monster, if you would like.


The large mouth gobble this up. This fly has done well for me.It is not hard to cast, I do use a 8 wt.


Gota love those fish heads, I need to try the sculpin helmets on this fly. You can paint them. If you put them up side down your fly will ride hook point up, thats how I have the Grumpy Jack

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This one looks great in the water and is pretty easy to cast for its size




Here is one with the sculpin helmet

post-18514-0-72407500-1366398246_thumb.jpg post-18514-0-58341900-1366398381_thumb.jpg

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Anything that is normally tied with a bead or lead eyes can be tied with the fish skull.


Check out the fish skull homepage for a pretty nice sculpin fly.

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Ive got a shipment of fish skulls and sculpin helmets on there way and am in need of some patterns to tye when they get hear. Anyone have patterns they are willing to share. Really appreciate it.



Here are a couple I have recently tied; you'll love these products!





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