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Tarpon Fly Swap

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Glad everyone liked them, i am moving to Houston at the end of the month for a new job so this will be my last swap for a couple of months until i get settled in. As much as i hate moving out of Austin, i have to do it; i am looking forward to only being 45 min from the beach and my wife gave me permission to fish the Guadalupe as much as I want come November. If any of guys host a swap send me a PM and i will be glad to join.

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Got a good looking set of flies a few days ago; too bad I wont be tarpon fishing anytime soon...

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Nearly got the fly spray out!

Nice ties guys.... will get them wet soooooonish!

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I just heard horrible news. My friend at the fly shop said they found a hole with monster tarpon. Unfortunately it's a private pond and his friend almost got arrested right after he nailed one. :( So close, yet so far away. :)


Around here some of the drainage ponds connect to the marshes and tarpon and snook swim in and get trapped. Gotta find me a pond I can get to!

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I just got back in the country and found a really nice set of flies waiting for me. I hope to try them out on some small tarpon in a river pretty soon.

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