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Fly Tying
Christopher K

June 2013 flies from the vice

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Windy and rain in the clouds today, so: a good cup of coffee, Pjusk on the speakers and some rows of these:


I love these little caddis.

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If you look on that diagram you posted look where the butt is vs the tag in relation to the tail


Thanks; actually, @ the bottom of the diagram, there is an explanation of each. For the tag, "With the hook shank parallel to the tying surface, the tag starts at the barb point and proceeds to the hook point. The tag may consist of several materials such as tinsel and floss."



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I live in Alberta were there happens to be no Bass, anywhere! Im going to Lake Windermere British Columbia this weekend and have read and heard that there are largemouth in there smile.png))) seen a few pics too!


First go at some Gurglers lol!! love that name..........anyways lol!!!






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If you look on that diagram you posted look where the butt is vs the tag in relation to the tail


Thanks; actually, @ the bottom of the diagram, there is an explanation of each. For the tag, "With the hook shank parallel to the tying surface, the tag starts at the barb point and proceeds to the hook point. The tag may consist of several materials such as tinsel and floss."




that's proportions, placement is a different issue

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UV2 SNOW SHOE SPARKLE WING CADDIS CRIPPLE (Tan) – TMC 101, #14 – #18…this is a #18




THE ROSE CADDIS (Nano Silk Emerger – Olive) – John Rose/Variant, Daiichi 1110, #16 – #20…



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I live in Alberta were there happens to be no Bass, anywhere! Im going to Lake Windermere British Columbia this weekend and have read and heard that there are largemouth in there smile.png))) seen a few pics too!


First go at some Gurglers lol!! love that name..........anyways lol!!!


attachicon.gifPicture downloads April 6, 2013 032.jpg

attachicon.gifPicture downloads April 6, 2013 037.jpg

attachicon.gifPicture downloads April 6, 2013 038.jpg

attachicon.gifPicture downloads April 6, 2013 041.jpg


Not sure if you all have seen alberta on the news :( its all bad. my parents were evacuated last night. Golf tourney is off, cant even drive there as the highway was completely taken out by a mudlslide. Never seen it like this before, schools and hospitals are also closed :(

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Sorry to hear that. Doesn't appear to be hitting the UK news, the European flooding only had a foot note. Strange as normally these do make a big name.

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Even here in toronto i had to google it, heard nothing at all! Crazy, hope everyone is safe!

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First shot at a One Worm. Danish fly by Ken Bonde Larsen, aimed at anythig that eats Ragworms but Sea run browns especially.


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nice work on the posts of those little guys, gotta be tricky on hooks that small


Theyre ok for me down to 16, and 18s, depending on my hackles; I have a wonderful Keough dark ginger neck that has feathers so long and thin theyre like using saddles. The long feathers make them easier. I get 2 or 3 parachutes per feather from neck feathers, which is just awesome.


My dun neck has very short feathers in the 18 and 20 sizes, and I dont own a set of hackle pliers. The 18s can be a bit frustrating. 20? Maddening. Think I better swallow my pride and buy a pair. I dislike using them, but I will if i must... or I'll just limit myself to size 18 parachutes. Havent decided. Feels like a copout.


Any tips on wrapping small parachutes, im all ears. I'd like to be able to do 20s and even 22s ok.

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Couple more Danish flies for seatrout. The Frede. Original tied by Peter Loevendahl and used flash in the tail and through as a rib. These are a variant without the flash.


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Friend of mine managed 4 salmon off the R. Brora on Thursday evening using one of these.


Standard Aly's Shrimp except the body is twisted copper wire.

I can see I'll have my work cut out tying more now.



[edit] Sorry forgot, Size 12 L/W salmon hook. Whole fly is just over 1" long.

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