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Fly Tying

Bluegill Swap Club For December

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In a bit of a rush right not. Jolly Red, your awesome flies are here. Thanks! I'll catch up with you guys again later in the week.



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Sorry for being such a weasel these last couple of months. But in all fairness, it wasn't totally my fault. However, I am good to my word, and y'all will be getting two files each this month, hopefully soon too, sorry for being late, and have a great new year,

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Hey Guys, I have been out of town for a few days celebrating the holidays with my family. When I returned home today there were 3 sets of flies waiting for me. I opened a box from Gravy and almost slammed the lid back down to keep a horde of frogs from jumping out and scattering all over the room! Just wait until you see these things! Awesome. Then there is a set of flies from Dreamcaster, and really that's all I need to say. You have been getting flies from him every month and you know what a wonderful job he does. Well, December does not disappoint. We have a set of "Squirrel Tails" that will drive the 'gills nuts! And finally, Crackleback has sent in a beautiful set of poppers and you know how well poppers and 'gills go together! These are definitely going to work! Crackleback has also sent me an absolutely jaw-dropping spun and stacked deer hair fly. The ONLY thing I can think to do with this is FRAME it and hang it on the wall. It is beautiful. I will try to get a picture of it in the next day or two. And thanks to all of you for the extras.


There are still 2 sets of flies out for this month besides mine and I have some work to do on my set, so don't sweat it, Homer!


This is the second year that I have hosted the Bluegill Swap Club, and to tell you the truth, I'm a bit burned out. The flies are great and I love swapping with you guys. The sorting and sending out has gotten easier with getting into a routine, but still it's a bit of a chore. Taking them to the Post Office and creating a back log for others wanting to do business in the Post Office has become a little bit of a problem. But the big thing is having to look for replacements from time to time and fielding all the questions by people who want to know more about the Swap Club. So I think I'm going to let the Bluegill Swap Club drop with the December set of flies, but I'm planning to do some Bluegill Swaps throughout the year. I'm thinking that as soon as I send this set out, I'm going to post a Bluegill Fly Swap open to anyone with around 15 swappers. I hope we can get some of those who keep asking about the Bluegill Fly Swap involved in a one-time swap. Hopefully we can get some new people who have just joined the forum in a swap. The due date will be around the last of February or the 1st day of March. I hope that most, if not all of you, will participate. Keep watching the boards and I'll also try to let you all know when I do the next swap. I'm thinking that we will do several swaps throughout the year, just not one every month. If you have ideas of the type of bluegill flies you'd like for us to do, please let me know. Rubber legs, bead head, spun deer, etc. Of if you would like for everyone to tie the same pattern for a swap, Predator, RFSN, Humpy, etc, let me know that. I would love to hear from each of you about your ideas going forward.


Reading over this I had the idea of doing a swap club with the flies due every other month. You would tie up 6 sets during the year, and we might could open it up to around 15 swappers. That's just another idea, and again, I'd love to hear from you guys about your thoughts going forward.


Take care



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Glad you liked them. This has been fun. Lots of good tyers out there. Learned some new patterns filled some boxes; Thanks to everyone. Two straight years I think is enough for me for a while. Thanks for all you did to make it successful.

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BB, thanks for time and devotion to this swap, things I liked were your feedback (always letting us know when our stuff got there), mailing out as soon as possible, and always answering any of my questions.

Not only did I fill my fly box but I learned a lot of new patterns and more importantly techniques for tying. I went from needing a video to the point where I can copy many flies just by looking at them. I will miss watching the mailbox for the monthly offering and will look forward to future swaps.

Thanks again for a great job!!


Mark S.

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I am so glad they made it. I've been paranoid that hair bug would get lost in the mail. There's pictures of two of them in the December From the Vise thread if anyone's curious what it looks like.

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BB, you have done a fantastic job and certainly deserve a bit of a break. I'm glad I could jump in the last few months and will look forward to joining one of your regular swaps when the bluegill bug bites me.


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I'm happy someone dropped and got me in, tho I know doing that is a PITA. I would be in if you want to do any kind of swap this year. An every month swap would be fine with a few more tiers involved. After midge and hunter swap I said I was done with any swaps with more than 12 people but if it's every other month and you know what you're tying, that would work for me. I do know my panfish box is well stocked and will be used a lot this summer as health allows. Gills and crappies are the primary fish I have available, with bass and a few other warm water species available so the 'gill swap was great for me. Trout trips take me on the road since there is little here except a few put and take winter sites that are still a longer drive.

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Hey guys, I've just posted a Bluegill Swap open to the first 12 tyers. Flies will be due Feb 15. If any of you want in, now is the time to go to that thread and say so.



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hi all..had the day off due to inclimate weather,,so got mine all tied up,,,,a simple minnow? pattern,,accounted for a few hundred gills last summer,,,hope yall like,,,,B...........post-4914-0-85049200-1389053481_thumb.jpeg

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Someone tell me, slowly and carefully, how to upload a picture. I used to do it, but I think we have changed the webpage since then. Thanks



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In the "reply to this topic" box at the bottom of this page there are two buttons.

Click "more reply options". You will be at "replying to bluegill swap...".

Click the "choose file" button, and select the photo you want to upload.

Click "attach this file" button.

Click "add to post" to insert it into the post.

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Here is the fly Crackleback sent me as an "Extra" this month! Everyone I've shown it to has been amazed. Several have called it art, and I agree. Others have suggested that the tyer should get into the jewelry business. I was blown away when I saw it. My wife and I are going to pick out some other flies to go with it and frame it and put it on the wall of the house that we own and that we hope we will be able to retire and move to some day. It's across the street from the lake and it's my "fishing place."


Thanks, Crackleback!




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