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epoxy spinning wheel

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Im starting to epoxy some of my bigger fly heads and have had enough of spinning them by hand until there dry. Has anyone made there own drying wheel. If so how?



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There have been several threads on this topic. A search should turn up several. Most of the homemade spinners are built around a slow speed motor, such as a micorwave or rotissare (sp) motor fouind on ebay, The wheel I made for mine is from a styrofoam disc from Hobby Lobby, on a wood frame. Again, do a search for drying stand or spinner and you should get plenty of ideas.

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Yepper, microwave oven motor. Be sure and get the axle union on the inside of the oven to make it ez to attach a wheel or what ever you decide to use as a fly holder.

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I've used a lot of different motors before finally settling for a bbq rotisserie motor. They are made to run for long periods of time. I have forgot and left one all night with no problems. Some are a little noisy though.

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I also build rods so I use my rod dryer motor and put foam in a stick and it works perfectly.



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I made one in a pinch from my variable speed drill motor. I cut out a piece of cardboard in a circle, slapped a flat head bolt through it, glued some foam with slits and off it went. I'm still looking for something permanent. Maybe a disco ball motor. I won't put out the bucks for a rotisserie motor at the prices they're asking around here. Somebody has to throw one away, eventually. The motor I pulled from a microwave was not rated for 110v and I could not find the transformer that knocked the voltage down.

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