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Fly Tying

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Hi, I am tying wooly buggers, my big problem is the marabou tail, any suggestion on how to control the marabou, you only use the tip of the feather the rest just gets in the way, would t help to wet it before tieing in

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Yes wetting the marabou helps keep it under control. Personally I would not cut the marabou as shown in the video. Just personal preference.

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Hi, thanks for the advice, the video was a great help, one other thing are the leftovers from the marabou you cut of any value

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I agree, don't cut. Tear it with your fingers. You can use the rest for body material, add to dubbing loops. Lots of ways to use it if you let your imagination wonder.

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If you want to make the most of a feather you could strip the good stuff off the mid and lower sections of the stem, clump em together remove the tips and tie that in for a seriously full flowy tail then use the feather tip for a collor which makes for a really good lookin fly.

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here is what i do with marabou tails


1. i select the feather i want to use. i prefer to use the finer type shown below




2. i then snip out the tip of the feather. to me it makes a better flowing tail as there is no fibers attached to a stem




3. i draw the marabou feather through my fingers and measure the fibers to be approximately equal to the hook shank and tie the feather on top of the hook




4. i will proceed to wrap thread over the butt end of the feather toward the eye of the hook but leaving enough room to finish off the the fly




5. for a weighted bugger, its the same feather process except i trim the butt end of the feather at the end of the lead wire




please note: everybody has their own way of tying a wooly bugger. this is mine, yours will be different


size the tail length to approximately equal the hook shank then theres no pinching/cutting barbs to shorten it

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Can you tie a wooly bugger that won't catch fish? The rattier looking, the better IMO.


I often use the longer left over maribou strands at the thick end of the stem , tied to the hook at the barb and then wrapped in a dubbing loop to make the body section, Agressivley hit them with a piece of velcro to pull out loose ends and you have lots of movement, even in still water. And you can mix colors -- purple and black or gold and brown. The more the trout chew on them, the better they work.


Minis in sizes 10 to 12, by the way, can be very effective.



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I tie mine in like flytire. I don't like cut or pitched tips.


But instead of lashing it down with thread I just twist the tag end and wrap it forward as dubbing. Makes a nice looking fly and uses up most of the material.

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I recently saw someone use the back (dull side) of some scissors to help tear the tips of the marabou. In my opinion It looks much better that cutting, or tearing indiscriminately.




It looks like this:


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