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was wondering if any one had any other contact information for Green Cadis Outfitters i am becoming suspicious of this company i placed an order with them a bout a month and a half ago and still have not recieved the item i ordered another issue is that i have emailed them at the email they provide on there webpage [email protected] and have not recieved a reply.




also have any of you folks had any experiance with our forum sponsers ?

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He has communicated with me through [email protected].


I have used a couple of the former sponsors. J. Stockard is a great company to use as well as Allen Fly Fishing. Both companies are stand-up and trustworthy.

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I've placed 3 orders with GCO. 1 took a while and had some mistakes but they were fixed more than satisfactory. Two more orders I placed were mailed within a week and had everything. currently I'm waiting on order #4, but I just placed it a few days ago. After the way Will took care of me after my first order, I'll be ordering most of my hooks from them.


I placed an order with Allen Fly Fishing because they have barbless hooks and it was in the mail the next day.

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Hmmmmmmm. I know that the Golden Rule should apply here, BUT....... I ordered from these jokers (actually, I get the feeling it's a one man show), and was shorted an entire pack of hooks, and it took 15 days to get my order. I tried every email I could find on the site, but never got a response, even after 10 emails from me. I used Paypal, and was reimbursed for the cost of the hooks, but to me, it wasn't about the money, but the principle.


You can try their Facebook page, but I never got a response there, either.


I certainly won't deal with them again.


Just my .02 worth.



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Hey guys, Green Caddis Outfitters/Hatches Magazine/this website are all run by Will aka Smalliehunter.......Will has always been a very dependable guy, Steve aka Steeldrifter posted awhile back that Will was going thru some kind of family emergency, I'm sorry to hear that you have had some difficulties, hopefully he will make it right with you once he gets back on his feet....he always has in the past....He started those other ventures to help defray the cost of running this website which has been up for over ten years now.....



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Yes, it is, pretty much, a one man show. If you are still having problems with your order, try sending an email to [email protected] If you have a copy of the invoice, attach it, if not, at least include the pertinent dates so he can try to match it up to his records.

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