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Fly Tying
Fred H.


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Grass snake fly . Some of you may know them as garter snakes or ribbon snakes.post-11886-0-61655900-1374198820_thumb.jpg

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As someone who's main interest besides fly fishing is herpetology, this is awesome! You even got the cranial spot!

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Thanks Michael, some people would say I spend too much time on my flies but I like adding the little details .



Thanks Kirk, I hope you're right.



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Great fly! I think a bigger hook might take away from the action, what if you threaded a piece of mono through the body and put on a trailer hook at the end?

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Is it old enough to mate?......Braid might work better than mono. More supple and less stretch. Do you do timber rattlers and copperheads? What do you use for fangs? I bet a sidewinder would be tuff. hehehe

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Thanks Ben,Paul,PieterChristopher and Ditz. Thanks for the suggestions . This fly is in desperate need of a weed guard. I can imagine it slithering over a lilly pad and getting engulfed in a violent swirl. Hook size to head size is a concern with a fly this light. This is a #6 stinger hook and the head barely stays at the surface. Fishing open water might allow the addition of a trailor hook. I like the idea of the braid.



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Hooks certainly effect the action of a fly. I was not giving Fred a real suggestion, I was just saying to use a bigger hook to equate it to being a big fish fly. In actuality, you don't need a big hook to catch big fish, I've caught several four pound bass on #10 hooks and a friend caught a 5lber on a size #14.

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Great fly! I think a bigger hook might take away from the action, what if you threaded a piece of mono through the body and put on a trailer hook at the end?


That's the deal!


Great fly Fred! Congrats!!!


Big Hug wink.png

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With my freaky dislike of Snakes kicking in,,,I'd say it looks pretty good since that's happening!

It looks gross to me so that's good LOL

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