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Madam Butterfly

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Madam Butterfly.........


Madam Butterfly with some friends.....



Madam Butterfly watching me closely :-) ...(if i got to close she just took off)






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These are great photos.


If I may make a suggestion, you might use the next higher f-stop, or shoot in shutter priority, and bracket the f-stop. The reason I say this is that you do want the background to be out of focus, and not conflict with your main subject, but to me its somewhat too far out of focus, and my eyes kept trying to make some sense of the background. Just a suggestion, my friend.


Please keep posting your photos, and thanks.



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These are great photos.


If I may make a suggestion, you might use the next higher f-stop, or shoot in shutter priority, and bracket the f-stop. The reason I say this is that you do want the background to be out of focus, and not conflict with your main subject, but to me its somewhat too far out of focus, and my eyes kept trying to make some sense of the background. Just a suggestion, my friend.


Please keep posting your photos, and thanks.



Hi Bill.

Thanks :-)


I struggle to find the background to be too far out of focus because i think the background is to busy if i make it more visible. I like to see as little of the background as possible on macro shots and in this case i think i got what i was looking for :-) :-)

I wanted to highlight the Butterfly and the flowers and make sure that the background did not distract the bugs :-)

I guess comes down to personal preferences, but i will take your advice in notice and experiment a bit more to see if i can agree with you :-) :-)



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I like this set of pics (includes 007 ones), I personally like the background on these pics but agree with Bill on the 007 ones my eyes keep trying to focus on something behind. You'll have to get the bugs to pose in front of a backdrop LOL.

When are you going to find some more Arachnids?

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Perhaps I wasn't very clear about what I meant by focus. Maybe the term that I'm looking for is called "soft focus." You can identify what the background is, but its still slightly out of focus. You're correct in that you don't want the background to compete with the main subject. I guess that it would a matter of interpretation.



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I like this set of pics (includes 007 ones), I personally like the background on these pics but agree with Bill on the 007 ones my eyes keep trying to focus on something behind. You'll have to get the bugs to pose in front of a backdrop LOL.

When are you going to find some more Arachnids?

Thanks, Piker20 :-)



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Perhaps I wasn't very clear about what I meant by focus. Maybe the term that I'm looking for is called "soft focus." You can identify what the background is, but its still slightly out of focus. You're correct in that you don't want the background to compete with the main subject. I guess that it would a matter of interpretation.



I think you where clear, Bill. It´s just me who struggles sometimes to understand english when it comes to certain words and technical descriptions :-) :-)

"Soft focus" was absolutely more clear to me so i´m gonna work on that issue :-)

Thanks, Bill :-)



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Another option would be to darken the perimeter of the image by using Lightroom or Photoshop. Ansel Adams used that technique quite extensively in his B&W photos. Vignetting is the photographic term that I was looking for.



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Terje ... you could take all the constructive criticism, and try to adjust your pictures.


OR, you could just revel in the fact that your bug pictures are the best pictures I've seen on this or any other site.


Until your critics start posting pictures that look better than yours, I think they should try learning from YOU !!!

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Terje ... you could take all the constructive criticism, and try to adjust your pictures.


OR, you could just revel in the fact that your bug pictures are the best pictures I've seen on this or any other site.


Until your critics start posting pictures that look better than yours, I think they should try learning from YOU !!!

Thanks mikechell, that´s really nice to hear :-) :-) ..... and i really really appreciate your kind comment :-)


However i find constructive criticism very interesting and it gives me things to think about that might help me improve.

I do not always agree and i think there are thousands of different opinions to how a good macro shot should look like, but since i´m just a beginner when it comes to photo i try to pick up all the criticism i can get and

hopefully find my own way in the end :-) :-)


Thanks again :-)



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