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Is this considered a fair hooked fish?

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Reason I ask is cause its not directly in the lips. I think,i may have set to soon or to late. I saw the carp plopped the fly in front bout (3feet) and he came directly towrd my fly. When he was where i thought my fly was i lifted the rod and he was there!




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Officially, for record or tournament fishing, no ... this is a foul hook fish. Any hooking outside the mouth is considered a snagging. However, there is some gray area here. If the fish was actually taking the fly at the time of the hook set, it might be considered fair hooked. I don't know how you'd prove that to a record committee or a tournament director, but there ya go.


Additionally, no, that is not a fair fish ... that is one ugly set o' lips !!!

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Some places I have seen, that "in front of the gills" is a fair hooked fish.

Mainly because some fish hit the fry to render it unconscious, and then eat it, if the do that to a fly, they might end up with hitting the hook and then be hooked outside of the mouth.

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considering that in most jurisdictions it is legal to SHOOT carp, I would say yes it is a fair hook. It is obvious the fish was investigating the fly in some fashion. If you were bass fishing with a crankbait and landed a fish which had a hook on the outside of the lip you wouldn't think twice about it - the fish took a whack at the lure and got hooked.

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It depends state to state, some have a "within X inches of the mouth" rule to accommodate barely missed strikes that hook outside the mouth and that notorious "fixed bead followed by a bare hook" fishing tactic.

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Accordin' to many tournament and state rules, there'd be issue, but if you weren't snaggin', I say be pleased that you attracted that fish to your fly! 8-)

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