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Whiting Cape?

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Is the bronze dry fly cape from Whiting worth the extra money in comparison to their prograde? I wanted to get into tying some dries no smaller than size 20. Any other suggestions to consider other than offerings from Whiting would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I have a few Pro Grade capes and a few Bronze grade capes. Honestly I think down to size 20 there is not TOO much difference. Probably more feathers on the Bronze capes. Enough to make a real difference? That's up to you. IMO the Pro Grade capes are a very worthwhile value. I know the next capes I buy will be Pro Grade. There are many other very good quality hackle growers out there, but Whiting has become the standard by which all others are judged.

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you might consider the hebert miner strain from whiting

I agree. The HM capes tend to have fewer feathers at the small end of the spectrum and are very good value especially if you don't tye the tiny flies. Their range of natural colours is outstanding.

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I recently bought a Hebert miner pro grade grizzly cape and it has down to size 24. It was $40 instead of $60 for the bronze. If your getting them from a shop, go there and compare them. I think it depends a little on the individual cape as I'm sure no two are exactly alike. Some of the really small feathers on my cape are pretty delicate but I don't know if a bronze would be any better. I also have a HM med. dun saddle that I am more than happy with as well but it doesn't have any real small stuff on it, mostly 12,14,16 and a few 10s and 18s and 18 is pushing it. But I got it in cabelas bargain cave for only $25. Some people will tell you that you will get more "webby" feathers on pro grade but I haven't found that to be true in my case. But I think that pro grade will work fine for you. You may want to check out the post about Collins hackle as well.

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Personally if all you wanted was #20's, I'd go with either the 100 packs as mentioned, or a 1/4 Midge saddle. Both a much more economical solution if you only need small feathers. If you need a broader range of sizes, then the Progrades and Bronze are almost a push as JSzymczyk mentioned, as long as you can find the right color.

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