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Looking for a Fly Shop in Las Vegas

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Does anyone know of a fly shop in Las Vegas? I am coming out there in a few weeks for business and would like to visit one. Thanks.

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not sure about a fly shop but the chicken farm does not sell hackle



Don't you mean the Chicken Ranch? It's a long ride from Vegas.




Blane, I've heard this story before - you've gotta remember that Paul was in a state of severe intoxication when he went out in search of the Chicken Ranch and pulled into a chicken farm by mistake. According to newspaper accounts, after a few clumsy and ill-conceived attempts to proposition the farmer's daughters, our friend retreated in a hail of bullets and didn't slow down until he blew out a tire in the middle of Death Valley, where he was picked up by a senior citizens' tour bus and hauled back to the Betty Ford Center. Indeed, the only thing that saved his life was the fact that the farmer was even drunker than he was, the sole casualty of the encounter being an unfortunate rooster who caught a ricochet and wound up as the main course at Sunday dinner. Nobody knows what became of the feathers, but considering the scarcity of fly tyers in the Mojave Desert, the cape and saddle are most likely still out there somewhere baking in the sun.

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