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Hackle Color?

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The majority of my tying is nymphs, but wanted to start getting into dries. I plan on ordering some grade 3 capes from Collins, but wanted some suggestions on colors. I was thinking grizzly, brown, medium dun, and light ginger would be a good start. What do you think of this color selection? In addition, Collins sells barred colors. Would you recommend going with the standard color or possibly a barred dun and ginger instead? Thanks.



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I have always had a fondness for barred hackle. I prefer a barred ginger, or a cree (when I can find one,) over the solid colors.

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The obvious comment is that it will depend on what you are intending to tie. I'd say your selection will cover a lot of flies, so it's a good general choice.


For my money, I would probably substitute a red-brown or furnace (preferred) for the brown and add a cree (if you can get it). Personally I wouldn't go for the barred dun, but use the grizzle with the dun to get the barred effect.



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I think Charlie's barred duns are terrific! The resulting collar is much more subdued than one built with a grizzly/dun mix.

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I think that list should cover the majority of patterns (I live in the West, so It would certainly work for me). I use grizzly and medium dun the most in my tying, but the other colors are a must for popular patterns like PMD's, sallies, and attractors.

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Go with "furnace" over brown and if you tie midges, I've found I get good use out of my black cape. Additionally, the l;arger webby feathers on the furnace and black capes are good for buggers

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I really like Charlie's barred ginger. Most of the time, barred hackles will have finer stems than solid colored hackles.


I agree that furnace is probably more useful than straight brown. Most natural browns have a bit of furnace to them anyway.


Have you considered getting the Commercial Grab Bag? If you are just starting out, that's a good way to get 4 capes for the price of 2 (no saddles, though). You can then order two #3 capes in whatever other colors you need.

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