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Free Kindle David Hughes Book

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Thanks, Silver.


I can't help wondering, though, why they are giving away all these Dave Hughes books...? That's, like, 5 of his best books in the past 6 months, or so.

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I don't know for sure but I suspect David Hughes inked a deal with Amazon for a small royalty on each book Amazon gives away.

As to why amazon would give away books for free, my suspicion is that Amazon wants to sell Kindles by encouraging folks to try the Kindle interface on the computer. My wife has an original Kindle and we both have iPads. She prefers reading on the Kindle vs the the iPad Kindle app.


My son upgraded to a new Kindle and gave me his old one. I have continued to keep that Kindle linked to his account. The reason is that my son is an avid reader. There must be well over 300 books on that old Kindle. I just read Enders Game on his Kindle because the movie is coming out. He has 55 authors including the following number of books, 56 Steven King books, 38 Robert B. Parker, all the Stieg Larson Dragon Tatoo novels, 17 Lee Childs, 24 John Grishams, 12 Michael Crichtons, etc. He downloaded all the old and his new books to his new Kindle; and I get them on his old one, since this Kindle is still linked to his account.

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Thanks for posting. I really enjoyed the last free Dave Hughes book - Handbook of Hatches.


Here's another one for free. The "Old Fly" thing sounds right up my alley but have not checked it out yet:


Old Flies in New Dresses How to Dress Dry Flies with the Wings in the Natural Position and Some New Wet Flies



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