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Collin's Barred Hackle

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I was thinking about purchasing some of Collins grade 3 barred colored capes for dries. What barred colors would you suggest? Thanks.

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Collins barred capes are a good investment. Quality at a reasonable cost. Of course, one cape won't be suitable for all flies. Match the colour of the cape to the pattern you expect to tye the most. If I were just starting out, the barred capes I would buy (in order of preference): med dun, med brown, med ginger. My list of non-barred capes: grizzly, furnace, black, coachman.

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I have 6 of his capes and saddles, few barred and a few died grizzly, they are all top notch and easy to work with.


The Barred Ginger, Barred Dun, and Olive/Golden Grizzly are all great and cover a good portion of what I personally tie.

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Grizzly is a barred cape....


Grizzly first, obviously, then barred ginger and barred dun. The golden grizzly is a particular favorite of mine. I also have a barred rusty dun and an olive grizzly.

You use these in place of the solid colored hackles of a similar hue, i.e., barred dun instead of medium dun, golden grizzly in place of ginger, etc. The effect is subtle, but very effective.

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I use green grizzly for my green drakes. Great pattern if it's in your area.



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