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Hi Folks, if somebody is searching for a superrare LAW BENCH flytying vise, I'm currently offering one of my two LAW's, custombuild 2010 from Lawrence Waldron , in an auction on EBAY - Germany - Europe.


This vise was never used, and is therefore in new, mint condition. Many thanks, Alfi

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the vise should go back into production just to hopefully bring the price down


thats way to rich for my blood



£1000 =

US $1610.6

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Judging by what they have been going for that should more than double. Hard to believe that there is that much value in a vice. The price will not fall if anyone else other than Lawrence starts producing them. He hasn't ruled out doing more but it looks doubtful. He also made reels. Played with a 4wt anti reverse he made some years ago. Amazing quality. I dread to think what they would fetch today.



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