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Fly Tying
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Christopher K


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Was challenged to make the most realistic copy I could of this bug, it's 5mm long so I think that'll work out to a #20 hook or so. I know how I'm going to to the body but how would you guys suggest I do the legs? I was thinking about silicone rods but I just don't think they'd be small enough, and I'd also like to get some of the detail of the shape of the legs.



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First off, what the hell is that thing and how do you kill it.

Second you're nuts.

Third. Look forward to seeing the results.


Ps legs, try clear bristles from a toothbrush that you can apply little heat to to get the bends.

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LOL, ya I am. It's some kind of plant hopper, may be a new species. They jump very fast so no one has been able to collect a sample yet. I'll be sure to give the toothbrush thing a shot :)

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I saw that thing on Reddit the other day. It was some kind of prank someone was playing saying it was a newly discovered insect somewhere. Ha Ha laugh.png biggrin.png

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Truly weird world. The "Troll-haired leafhopper". I love that name, and am old enough to remember the "troll" dolls that inspired the name. 5mm ... a little less than 1/4 inch. Pretty small bug for all that color and ... hair!

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