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dryfly purist

Batman took a dive - but did he survive???????

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Batman survived. You can't kill Batman, he's invincible!


Great photo.



I guess you´re right, Bill :-) :-) .....Batman is invincible :-)

Thanks :-)



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Terje everyone knows Robin is a world class grappling hook caster and will drag Batman's butt out of the water. But I am starting to worry about you its way to early for cabin fever to set in

That`s good to know :-) :-) :-)

..... it´s gonna be a loooong winter :-) :-)



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Dueling and diving bottle caps, batman standing in the path of an oncoming Model A and now Batman diving....I have to agree with Paul 100%..It's way too early for cabin fever to set in..... Then again, knee surgery fever is worse than cabin fever ever thought of being. I didn't have any worries that Batman would drown even if Robin didn't show up to save him because Aquaman would appear out of the waters depths with a heroic rescue. Since I haven't drank in a long time I have to say that you are doing a lot better than I would. If I had a couple of beers and then tried to photograph something I would more than likely drop the camera in the water.


Take Care Terje, and I hope that you get to feeling better


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Dueling and diving bottle caps, batman standing in the path of an oncoming Model A and now Batman diving....I have to agree with Paul 100%..It's way too early for cabin fever to set in..... Then again, knee surgery fever is worse than cabin fever ever thought of being. I didn't have any worries that Batman would drown even if Robin didn't show up to save him because Aquaman would appear out of the waters depths with a heroic rescue. Since I haven't drank in a long time I have to say that you are doing a lot better than I would. If I had a couple of beers and then tried to photograph something I would more than likely drop the camera in the water.


Take Care Terje, and I hope that you get to feeling better


Indoor photo season has started :-) :-) :-) ......... luckily i don´t drink so there are no big risk of dropping the camera into the water :-) :-) :-)


Thanks, Tony...... I´ll hang in there :-) :-)



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