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Fly Tying
Hans Weilenmann

Pink Spot Midge

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There is elegance in simplicity. This applies to North Country Spiders, for example, but equally so to midge patterns such as this - tungsten bead and all ;-)


Pink Spot Midge

Hook: Tiemco 2499SP #16

Bead: Tungsten, black 2.3mm

Thread: Benecchi 12/0, black

Rib: Wire, silver fine

Abdomen: Tying thread

Hot spot: Glo-Brite #2 (hot pink)

Thorax: Argentinean hare, dyed dark olive


Hans W

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Killer for my neck of the woods. Have a trophy trout lake about 15 minutes from home. Black midges very abundant.


I am unable to access your site at danica.com. For several weeks. What is up with that?

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I am unable to access your site at danica.com. For several weeks. What is up with that?


My provider killed the server which was hosting the, I am sad to report.


Looking for an alternative host to return the site full life again - hopefully very soon.



Hans W

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Let us know when it is back up. I loved that place and your pages were always my first stop when I logged in while thing of tying flies.


Hope you find the right host soon. I have had the best luck with Go Daddy for some of my business operations. Very cost effective for me but do not know if they could handle your requirements, and you should not ever compromise on the photo qualities, as yours was the best of the best, in mho.

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It's easy to get big colorful flies with lots of feathers and hairs to look beautiful, but when it comes to the simple stuff (Spiders, Midge nymph etc.) it requires a master.


Splendid looking fly I must say. ;-)

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Takes a master to put a together a flawless specimen that passes inspection at 150 times actual size. Good thing the fish I tease are not equipped with digital zoom eyesight, although some days it seem they might be.

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