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Advice Request - Fly Fishing Napa Vally California

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Hi everyone,


'letumgo' suggested I post this in this 'room'. I am going to be visiting Napa Valley California in March of 2014 and would like to see if anyone can suggest possible trout fishing opportunities/locations and flies I would/should expect to see and/or use at this time of year out there. I was planning on taking the 3 or 4 wt. rod - maybe a 5 and 6 also.


I've posted this in 'The Lodge' also - apologies for the duplication.


Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks



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I tried getting info on this area a year or so ago ... no luck. Maybe someone will help you out.

What I can say, from my stays there, is trout will not be the fish to go for.

You are close to the bays and back waters of the San Francisco Delta. Largemouth Bass and Stripers ... maybe some sunfish.

I know a lot of the rivers and creeks have closed seasons on trout and salmon that start in November ... but I don't remember when the seasons open up.


Go to the "Takemefishing" site and select California. It's got quite a bit of information on the reservoirs that will be your best bet.

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There is a Leland flyshop there. I visited it when my wife made me go out there with her as payback for letting me go on safari in Namibia. Maybe call them. I would fishing would be in the few ponds I saw and would be warmwater. Water is scarce in the area.

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From what little bit of googling I've done, it seems that I may be there a bit early also. March does not seem to be the best time to be in the area - even if I was using the Napa Valley as a base of operating out of.


I'll do a more searching, I've got time. Thanks for responding mikechell and kudu. I'll look up Leland Fly shop.



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I am a bass and sunfish guy. I am south of Stockton when I am out there, but here's the places I've heard about around Napa.

The guys at the Bass Pro Shop in Manteca, CA ... about 70 miles south of Napa, say that Berryessa is a good place to fish. However, it's not always open.

Same thing with Lake Curry.

Milliken Reservoir is also mentioned and is supposed to have some nice bass in it.


The Napa River is supposed to be good for striped bass, salmon and sturgeon. You won't catch any sturgeon with a fly rod. Again, as I said before, there are open and closed seasons, so you'll have to see what's up when you are there.

If you're going to be there through weekends, I would suggest driving an hour or so to Amodour, Camanche or one of the other reservoirs nearer the mountains. They are all stocked a couple times a year with rainbow and other trout.


Good luck.

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If your looking for rivers I would make your way up north a little further towards redding, tons of awesome trout water up there.. If you have to stay in that area, baressa is an option but it's a larger lake with a lot of bait fishing pressure, not ideal for fly rods. there is a creek that holds trout that feeds out of that lake called putah creek, but it too is heavily fished, and I haven't had much luck there myself. I've heard amadors a good lake, haven't been.. Eagle lakes is a well known spot for big rainbows. I live a little south east in the Lake Tahoe area which is an awesome spot to fish for trout year round. If you have any questions feel free to message me

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