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Fly Tying
Bruce Derington

December Flies from the vice

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Been playing with tubes this weekend and this temple dog was not too bad. Anyone else tie tubes here? They don't show up too often



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I have some tube intruders done but haven't had chance to take photos. I'll try on Wednesday or Thursday.

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UV2 TAN (molting) SCUD – Hyalella – TMC 2488H, #14 – #18…




My son Michael down in SCUDVILLE...Hot Creek, CA...




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Thanks for posting. Nice tube production, I am getting into tying on tubes in a big way. Even bought a new HMH vice with tube jaws that work great.


What kind of vice arrangement are you using? I cannot tell from the posted picture. I have progressed from putting a big needle in the jaws, to the vice adapters that come with a few mandrels, to the vice which is well designed for these applications; and I am not going back.


As a practical matter, what is the smallest hook equivalent size that you have tied? For me, it seems about a #12-14 is about the smallest that would work but I have been wrong before.


Will be trying to copy your nice work soon!!!!

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Do you mean the shortest tube length? I have tied some on crimps used in rig making, guess they are 5-10mm. Mostly if I use a tube its 1/2 inch to 2inch in various materials.

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Yes, I meant the shortest length of the tube but smallest diameter tube would also be of interest.


I have a bunch of those crimp tubes from my lure building materials but never thought of using them for a tube fly. How do you attach the hook on the smaller types?

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Just use either a piece of silicon tubing and tie on top of it. Not enough room to add at the back, or as the hooks will be small - 12/14/16 I just let them hang at the back.

The smallest dia I've used is an outside dia of 1.5mm. These are Gray's Needle Tubes and are lined surgical needles. I've also used surgical tubing of the same dia which is great for a lightweight small tube.

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