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Pulse Disc

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We've used plastic discs in front of jigs for years. Haven't used them on flies but see where I should. Not only would they add action but they should also push more water, something fish can feel from some distance. I have taken a simple paper punch and punched out discs, then poked a hole in them. His are a little more elaborate but should not be too hard to make. I like it.

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Google monster discs or turbo discs and there are heaps on salmon tube flies. Kevin (eastern fly) posted a thread here recently with a tool for punching out discs in sheet metal.

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I've seen guys use sequins in front of flies, do they have similar wiggling action? How big of a difference does the concave shape of these make?

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The sequins, and proper metal discs like turbo discs relay on flowing materials in the fly to move in the turbulant water flow they create. Looking at his video the plastic discs cause the fly behind to actually be thrown out side to side and it means the bucktail ones move really well. With the turbo discs you need to be using arctic fox or goat or similar long fine furs.

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They cast like sh*t. I've tried discs and other types of devices to impart "wggle" action to flies and I've always hated how they cast. As your line is pulling the fly through the air, the disc is doing the same thing it will do in the water. For short casts with heavy tackle I guess they'd be ok. Flies with a diving plane BEHIND the hook eye are the way to go- like a Dahlberg diver or a Stealth Bomber.

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They cast fine if you do not have to double haul or false cast to hit the zone.


The cast fine on 8wt floating line or 5wgt and up with a sinking tip.


I have used the sequins and they are ok but the craft bead on the Kenduardo's Sonic MicroMink is a better model. They thrown fine with my Betters' Custom which is basically a 5.5 wgt. First test drive on a public trophy catch and release lake -which gets totally hammered by the area locals- with tremendous natural forage and very picky eaters produced a 6.6 pound Rainbow that hopefully is still growing.


I believe the trout use the lateral line to sense food as much as eyesight and thus anything that moves water is going to improve your chances.

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