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8wt Rods

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I got a gift card for Christmas and am thinking about getting a new 8wt. Cabelas has their lsi and l-tech rods on sale. Are these good rods? Which would you choose? I mostly fish freshwater bass.

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I can't speak to those two specific models, but I have had several Cabela's rods over the last 5 or 6 years. They have been fine rods, and for the money, a great value. I would be inclined to purchase the cheaper one (the L si,) since the 8 weight comes in a 4 piece. Be sure and keep your receipt for the warranty with either one.

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I fish mostly bass too. And out of all the 7 & 8's I've fished I like the Redington Predator the best. It's the best flyrod I've ever used. It's the 7'11" version. May not fit everyone's style but it's perfect for mine.

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Let us know how you like it. O almost ordered the 10wt but couldn't justify adding another to the arsenal.

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