flymaster 0 Report post Posted January 27, 2005 I was in my local wal-mart today and seen a spool of line called green mtn. I had seen it at another wal-mart and didnt really look at it. But today i dd it said GM by Orvis. Wow and it was only $19.99 that is great. I opened it it is on a SA spool and as wel all should know SA maked the wonderline. It even had the Orvis loop on the end of it. So I think this could be a really good deal. At the other store they had lines, leaders, rod combos and more. I hope my store gets this too. FM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bamboo 0 Report post Posted January 28, 2005 Orvis used to market the Green Mountain Series that was their beginner outfit. Maybe they're bringing that line back? It's what I started with and was pretty good stuff. Bamboo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flymaster 0 Report post Posted January 28, 2005 I think it is pretty wierd seeing an Orvis label hanging in Wal-Mart. I thought Orvis had "sold out" when they let Bass Pro sell their product nwo WAL-MART! But I don't care looks like posible good deals. So sell out somemore for us. But Orvis for so long had that "exclusive" reputation. Only ovris dealer allowed. Then the BPS and now Wal-Mart does that say Orvis is on the downslide. Or are they trying to compete in this dog eat dog economy we call America? Don't know, don't care really. If I can get a quality line for $20 so be it and with the WM product guaratnee if it suck take it back. Just wondering, FM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sandflyx 0 Report post Posted January 28, 2005 walmart is carring some of orvis's low end rods, the streamline. the green mtn is not being offered by orvis as far as I know (I work at an orvis store). There are some new things this year but no new lines yet. The green mtn might be a closeout or leftovers from SA. equel to a cortland 333. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cutthroat 0 Report post Posted January 28, 2005 Actually, I was in my local Walmart earlier in the week and went to check out their fishing stuff. They had the Green Mountain line (good price) + a Green Mt. rod. No Streamline. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skeet3t 0 Report post Posted January 28, 2005 Our local Wal-Mart has exapnded their fly tackle a bit, including the GM stuff. Consider how much product BPS and Wally World will sell compared to the tackle shops that carry Orvis products. I don't buy the expensive stuff. The most I have spent for line is $30- the BPS had Wonderline on sale 1/2 off. I have a WF7F line that is over 30 years old and still casts good. Have a hard time justifying the price tag for some things. The reason the discount stores carry the cheaper stuff is that more people can afford the discount merchandise. Same reason they sell more Chevys than Cadillacs. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flymaster 0 Report post Posted January 29, 2005 That is what i was thinking is Orvis trying mass merchandising. But it is still far from being the premier tackle and classy manufacture they were. I think it is great a line of stuff even i can afford without starving myself (joke) for a month. The line was not a 333 eguiv. it looked like SA say GPX line. But it had the signiture tied on braided loop. I am so excited to see the rest I first seen it in another store but wife was in the car and didn't look long. I didn't even notice the "by Orvis" on the packages. That is so great. I glanced at the rods look like good quality for the money ofcourse. I am not saying they will be T3 orvis rods but should be nice stuff. Sandflyx they probably didn't telll you gus about this stuff because they are possibly ashamed of it?! No just joking. Just a little puzzled at Orvis's maketing attempt. But mass merchandising is where the $ is at, and why the hell not Wal-Mart. THe #1 retailer in the nation. But the people who founded the Orvis Exclusive name back in 1856 are probably turning over in there graves thinking that there name is being "sold out". Well enough on that. But cuttthroat did you see any rod length and wieghts. I am so excited looking fro a 9' 8wt hope these things are nice. I don't care if it is a cheap rod etiher I go for quality equip not a name. Some guys would buy a $500 rod that cast no better than a $150 rod just to say they did. If money isn't a big deal buy the $150 rod and give $350 to a charity. But that is the way fly fishing has gotten to be. Too many $50,000+ vehicles in the parking lots. Nothing agianst nice wheels but you know what I mean. I feel funny in my 99 blazer sometimes. They are all walking down the rive looking like they walked into a fly shop and told the owner I want the most expesive you have don't care what it fishes like as long i look the part. I do believe in quailty gear but within reason. But I guess my point of reason could be differnt then others. Guess thats enough toes stomping for a while. Tune in agian to listen to a whining fly fisherman try to change the world. FM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cutthroat 0 Report post Posted January 29, 2005 I agree Flymaster. I'll pay $19.99 for a fly line. As long as it doesn't break at a crucial point. and my 98 blazer still gets me to the water. I have a few moderately high end Orvis rods and reels...bought them on Ebay for a lot less than new. I don't have a problem at all with Orvis mass producing some of their rods, reels or lines. I suspect people will remember the Orvis name when it's time to step up and spend more money, and after all, it still says ORVIS. Sorry Flymaster, there was only one or two and I didn't pay attention. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
picketpin 0 Report post Posted January 30, 2005 mmmmmmm, Ill have to check this green mountain line ..TL Mike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flymaster 0 Report post Posted January 30, 2005 Mybe I was misunderstood, I am not saying I won't pay for premium stuff. I just won't goto the top end. Like orvis rods, the TLS has had outstanding ratings for years, but some people would go for the T3 without even casting the TLS just because it it top end. I would only go to the top if the middle wouldn't suit my application or casting abilities. Just like I own a Orvis Rocky Mtn. great rod I was getting ready to buy a TLS and the owner talked me into casting the Rocky MTn. I fell in love and both were 9' 4wts that ended up saving me big money because the Rocky Mtn. was on clearance. It was when they were discontinuing that rod lineup. The rod has been a sweatheart ever since. Kinda like a member of the family now. But i recently broke a guide off it. I broke a snake guide ever done that? I hope they can repair it and send mine back. FM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maddog48 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2005 I'd read (and this was discussed on another board I frequent) that Orvis was putting the Green Mountain series in Wal-Marts trying to entice new people in to the flyfishing world. They figure that if they sell 10 of the lower end rods that hopefully they'll stir up enough interest to have at least one or two of them invest in higher quality gear. Mike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
go-n-fishn 0 Report post Posted February 3, 2005 Checked one out today looks like a good line for $19.95 or whatever the price.Ill try it, what do you have to lose besides $19.95. I've waisted more on less. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flymaster 0 Report post Posted February 3, 2005 Would have to be good for the money. So if anybody tries on please post a thread I wanna know. FM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites