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source for "classic" materials

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I'mbeginning a foray into classic wet flies and full-dress atlantic salmon flies, but I can't seem to find any winging materials (turkey tail, goose/duck quills, goose shoulder nd subs for thigs like bustard) that ae ofthe quality I'm looking for or hve long enough barbs for winging anything bigger than a size 2...any recommendations? Also need a sorce for dry-fly quality olive dyed grizzly hackle (for green drakes and hoppers).

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I bought my grizzly died olive from Feather-craft. I bought a half neck since that's all they had In stock.



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You might want to check out the classicflytying.com side of the house. They might be able to give you additional sources as well as the Trading Floor

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FeathersMC can get you Kori Bustard, legally (very limited quantities.) BadgerCreek (eflytier.com) has most of what you need for classic wet flies. J Stockard used to carry dyed goose shoulder.


Charlie Collins will be happy to dye a grizzly cape olive for you. His grizzly hackles are some of the nicest in the business.

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Hi sniperfreak223,


For classic winged wet flies, you want duck or goose quills from Spirit River. They're about the best out there as far as quality goes. Hook and Hackle carries them.




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There is a gentalman by the name of Gayland Hachey in Veazie Maine. He has a small shop and this is what he specializes in. He loves to chase Atlantic Salmon. If he doesn't have what you need, I'm sure he would tell you where it is.



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AOfeathers in St. Helens, Oregon has virtually everything you would want for classics. Check his website at aofeathers.com. He responds quickly.

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