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flexible razor blades

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Where can you buy flexible razor blades, such as the ones that you use for deer hair fly's. Ive been trying to tye some dahlberg divers but have been having troubles getting a nice body using only scissors. Its getting rather frustrating putting all the work to make the fly, then you trim it down with scissors and it doesn't come out the way it should. So im needing to get a flexible razor but don't know where they can be bought.



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I bought mine from CVS pharmacy, but I believe you can find them cheaper online. They were about $5 at CVS for 10 blades. Google "Swanson Sword safety blades"...

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From westcoastshaving.com.


I am a classic wet-shaver.

Mostly I use a DE, but I do use SE and straight razors too.


If you shave with one of those expensive multi-blade razors and canned goo you don't know what you're missing.

Check out the badger and blade website.

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The blades you want are the double edged ones that are still available on E-Bay. I take each double edged blade and break it half lengthwise to produce two single edged blades for convenience and safety ( I use a small pair of nippers to grab the middle of one side at a time and simply flex the blade back and forth until it cracks out -then do the same on the other side.) Hope this helps and remember that those double edged razor blades will cut you even better than they'll cut your materials (one of those "ask me how I know" moments). I only use a blade as long as it will cut cleanly without effort and reach for a new blade the moment the one I have no longer cuts properly...

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Any local pharmacy or drug store should have them though they may or may not be with the shaving stuff.

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Our local walmart and grocery store both carry them. I usually buy from the grocery store since they carry the Wilkinson Sword blades that seem to work a bit better then the Walmart generics for about the same price.

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Man, does that show how old I'm getting. It used to be that double edged razor blades were everywhere! Of course, I quit shaving, every day, back in the early 70's, but I still have to clean up my neck after trimming my beard, say, once a month, or two. I use my old Gillette Adjustable for that, so I have to chase down a supply of blades occasionally.


Wilkinson Sword were excellent blades, in their day, but I haven't seen them in years. The last pack of blades I got was from Wal-Mart.

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I'm finding that using curved scissors to first shape the hair really helps. I then smooth out the hair with the razor blade. (That way I can use the same blade for more flies.)



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I saw a great suggestion, possible on this forum, about using double-edge razor blades. The hint was to bend them and insert them into a pill bottle. Not only does this maintain a consistent curve, it's also a great way to store the blade without dulling.

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I usually buy mine at Meijer (a big-box chain here in Michigan). Recently, however, when they were temporarily out, I tried to find them at two different pharmacies and Wal-Mart, and was shocked that none of them even stocked double edged blades. How could drug stores not have razor blades, especially when they both still had Brylcreem and Vitalis on their shelves?? What was really fun was trying to explain what these blades were for to the teenage girl working at the drug store. "You mean, like, you had to put the blades in the razor yourself?" Good grief. I'm not even that old, either, that's the sad part.

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I bought a pak at a local dollar store.. I haven't use them yet so I can not attest to their sharpness.

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It took me a couple of days searching drug stores, but it turns out Dollar General has them 5/$1. I doubt you have DG in Alberta, but maybe it will help someone else.

What was really fun was trying to explain what these blades were for to the teenage girl working at the drug store.

I feel the need to explain myself when buying small baggies, razor blades, and shipping small packages inside larger packages. "No ma'am, I'm not a mail order drug dealer."

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Here is my pill bottle blade holder. By using different size bottles, you can make different diameter curves to suit your needs.


This is made using two bottles, first cut the top edges off both bottles. Then cut the bottom out of one, and then that bottle is slit down the side, cut out maybe an eight of an inch with a second cut down the side. The blade is held snugly between the 2 bottles.


OR you can simply tape the blades around the outer edge of the bottle. On the taped version, I used a 35mm flim can. Which is first slit once down the side and the bottom cut out. By overlapping the edges of the slit, you control just how much curve you get in the blade.






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