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Fly Tying

February Flies from the Vise

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VN SS Emerger.


Hook: Daiichi Klinkhamer size 12.

Thread: UYC 140 Brown.

Abdomen: Natural Nymph Skin Marked with brown permanent marker.

Thorax: Snowshoe hare dyed light blue dun in split thread, split with Nymph Skin.



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Here's a weedless EP shad. The front one is what it looks like wet.




Please, let me know if you catch fish on those. I tied something similar a few times, but I don't think I can get a hook set. I'd have the fish on, then ... not.

I believe the "teeth" of the fish get hung on the synthetic fibers and prevent the hook from moving forward to properly "Set". What feels like a hook set is just the teeth catching the fibers.

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denduke, love the two tiny ones. Bottom one on your little finger and below that, black and white with the orange hackle tails. Whats the full recipe/pattern name for those.

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Here's a weedless EP shad. The front one is what it looks like wet.




Please, let me know if you catch fish on those. I tied something similar a few times, but I don't think I can get a hook set. I'd have the fish on, then ... not.

I believe the "teeth" of the fish get hung on the synthetic fibers and prevent the hook from moving forward to properly "Set". What feels like a hook set is just the teeth catching the fibers.

I could see how that could become an issue, because the hook point is in line with the eye. As soon as I can see open water, hopefully later this weekend, I'll give 'em a try.




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Few of the flies I have been tying.


First up is some size 20 midges on a barbless competition dry fly hook:






Then we have my first crack at a CDC flying ant:



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My latest deer hair fly: a mouse this time. My packer is the lid off an orange juice box. I burn a hole in it just big enough to push over the hook eye.





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Bassmouth ... I don't know about a flying ant ... but those look like killer house flies !!!


Utyer ... nice mice. I really like the way your weed guards sit.

This is in no way criticism ... I am just wondering if it would be beneficial to paint the rear of the weed guards pink ... to look like legs?


I doctored your photo to illustrate ...


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My latest deer hair fly: a mouse this time. My packer is the lid off an orange juice box. I burn a hole in it just big enough to push over the hook eye.

I can see that mouse is going to get abused this summer.


Great tie!




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Monster caddis on tube, can't wait to throw this in front of a hungry trout

Nice work !

Post a picture of the trout when you get it.

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