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Drying waders

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Anyone use one of these


Currently I hang mine from the eve of the shed roof and normally the neoprene sock is dry within 24hrs. Just not keen on leaving them exposed to moths and bugs and such. Thinking this bag may be a safer storage option?


Any other methods used by folk?

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I just hand my waders outside for a few hours and then bring them inside where no bugs will get at them


Don't know why you'd be worried about bugs getting at them?

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I just hand my waders outside for a few hours and then bring them inside where no bugs will get at them


Don't know why you'd be worried about bugs getting at them?

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I usually lay mine in the back of my car. I spread them out and the upper part is usually dry by the time I get home but the neoprene feet are still wet so I just turn them a few times over the next day or two. I will then turn them inside out for a while to get rid of the moisture inside and then turn them back and roll them up. If I am hitting a couple different creeks within a few days then I dry one pair while I am wearing another. I have tinted windows in the back of my car so I don't think the sun has any ill effects on them, at least, not too bad. I used to bring them in and hang them but I could never figure out why I was developing leaks until I realized that my cat had taken an interest in them.

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Not worried about the waders being damaged by bugs so much, but noticed the wasps seems drawn to the boots or waders when hanging.

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I just drag mine around like a bum. Hard on waders, they spend a lot of time in the trunk. I haven't ever had any problems but I buy good quality waders so I don't have to worry.


The only thing I wouldn't do is leave the hanging or laying out in the sun. Be careful about leaving them in the sun in your car/ truck. Even tinted windows may not block the harmful UV rays.

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Thank God I don't need approval :)


I guess you'll just have to figure it out and come to the best conclusion

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Piker, the only other suggestion that I can offer is to wear them until they are dry..... It might come in handy if you plan to fish within the next couple of days because then you wouldn't have to take the time and trouble to put them back on. As far as leaving them in the car, I only leave them for as long as it takes for them to dry and then roll them up and put them back in their little bag. If its freezing cold then I have no choice but to bring them inside and hang them in one of the bathrooms but always remember to shut the door to cat-proof them. Also Piker, if you choose to wear them until dry then one nice dinner at a restaurant with your wife, with you clad in waders, will convince her that hanging them in the bathroom isn't such a bad thing...

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Oh heck now you're suggesting forking out for nice dinners. Where does it end. I think I'll show her the wardrobe idea and maybe the bath wont seem so bad.

I'm thinking that the wader bag helps with the wet car problem and I can leave it hung up in the bag either in the house or out.

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I take my wet waders down to the unfinished part of my basement, loop the straps over one of the many exposed pipes, conduits etc. at ceiling level, they hang with the neoprene boots just barely touching the floor. They're dry by morning. If I'm at a hotel or lodge, I hang them by the shoulder straps from the shower curtain rod.


I have a Peet Dryer for my boots. Can't recommend this product highly enough.

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