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How man boxes do you bring

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When your having a day on the river how many fly boxes do you usually bring with you. I know that every situation is going to be different, but for this question lets say you are wading in a trout stream. You have all your normal gear that you would usually bring along (waders and boots, rod and reel, vest/some kind of pack etc). How many fly boxes would you bring with you? i would guess that most people would bring along a nymph box, dry box, streamer box, and one other depending on the situation. How good was that guess? How many and what kind of boxes do you bring??



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one or two, three tops. I have a couple Cliff's Super Days Worth boxes that I have loaded with generic patterns, I may grab a specialized dry fly box (midge, x-large or terrestrial) and I may grab a streamer box with bigger meat.


for the past two years I have fished mostly warm water. For that I carry two or three as well - musky box (XX-large streamers), bass/panfish box (smaller streamers and some poppers) and dry fly box (frogs and mice).

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i have carried around 12-15 fly boxes in my vest and also carried a bunch of the large thingamabobbers to help keep me afloat in case i fell in



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Usually 3 -- dries, wets/nymphs and streamers. That's everywhere except on the Au Sable when the hatches are on--there I bring those three, plus one empty one for all the flies I'll buy at the fly shop.

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Normal day will find...


1- Orvis metal dry fly box (right front pocket)

2- Small plastic nymph box left front pocket

3- Lightweight Orvis crushable box with streamers (2nd right front pocket)

4- Lightweight Orvis crushable box with stimulators and hoppers etc (2nd left front pocket)

5- Lightweight Orvis crushable box with misc flies (in zipper back pocket)

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Depends on the target species and the number of techniques I might (not "will" but "might") use that day. Could be anywhere from zero to six. The embarrassing part is when fully loaded, the total number of flies carried is silly...but I rarely find myself without the "right" fly...although finding it sometimes can take a bit of effort.

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In my boat, I have a small tackle box that has all of my boxes in it. I have one with large flies, one with small flies, one with minnow and dragon fly flies (really big flies) and one with odd flies I really didn't like coming off the vise.


When I wade/shore fish, I take one Plano box with a few of each type of fly I might want to use, hanging on my lanyard.

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I should add that I typically carried 5-6 boxes when I used a traditional fishing vest. Vests always left me with achy neck and shoulders, so I went through pretty much every type of pack ever made and finally settled (for now) on the sling pack--specifically the Fishpond "Blue River" pack. One of the many things I like about it is that it limits the number of boxes I can carry, which forces me to put more thought into a) what I'll actually need to bring on any given day, and b ) how I should organize it.

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I've gotten more into the minimalist type when I'm on the water. Like Bryon stated, I found that my neck and shoulders were getting sore when I overloaded my vest with a bunch of stuff that I never used. (I usually stuffed a few beers in it too, just in case I got thirsty) I now wear a lanyard that has my tools and a tiny fly box on it that I keep nymphs in, and I've got a bunch of other boxes that will fit in my shirt pockets. I only take 2 at a time, and which one depends on which river I'm fishing and at which time of the year I'm fishing it. I've found that with 3 boxes on me while I'm wading, I still don't use half of what I brought. (As far as the getting thirsty part, I now keep a flask in my pants pocket filled with a good bourbon to go along with a cigar)

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I try to only carry 2 or 3 on the water, but I have about 35 in my car most of the time, but that's more because I fish for anything and everything, so I just keep all my fly boxes in the car and grab what I think I'll need for the day when I get on the water.

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It really doesn't matter! No matter how many boxes I bring along I can usually blunder into a hatch I haven't got a fly for. Usually one box with dries in one side with nymphs and wets in the other side. Often a small plastic container with a few streamers in, that will not fit in the main box. However I can fail to catch with any number of boxes. I'm good at that!



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That's why I use a lot of the crushable Orvis boxes now. I'm not a big Orvis fan but those foam boxes they have are light as a feather and don't add any weight to a vest http://www.orvis.com/store/product.aspx?pf_id=37GT

I like the Orvis boxes, too. I also like the Morell (sp?) foam boxes, but my favorites are the foam boxes sold under the brand name "Fly-Case". They're hard to find, but they are wonderfully light, spacious and cheaper than either Orvis or Morell. smile.png

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